seems like there are two kinds of people on here. Those who know this car bolt by bolt and those who bought this car and didnt realize all the things it would take to keep this car running as good as when we bought it. im the guy that didnt my rear wheels are starting to tilt inwards at top and outwards at the bottom.Car doesnt look like it has been lowered at any point. With that being said im not a mechanic but can do most of repairs myself just by research. my rear suspension needs a over haul. i plan on replacing everything in the rear except the rear lower control arms as i think the previous owner replaced them and they still look good. my question is the bushing on the lower control arms are shot. is taking out the bushings and pressing in new ones just like most other cars or is there something i should know when doing this repair? i ask because most threads on here people are replacing the whole control arm instead of just the bushings. Also just this morning my rear passenger window will go up and down like normal except it stop about 4 inches from the top??? any help from anyone who has run into either one of these issues will be much appreciated.