Bush's Approval Rating Hits New Low

fossten said:
1. Clinton didn't RUN ON TAX INCREASES. He LIED to the American people.
2. Dole wasn't electable.
3. Ross Perot stole 20% of Republican votes FOR THE SECOND TIME.

GEE, surely by the '96 election the American people have felt the pain of increased taxes. Clinton didn't run on tax cuts either. WHAT was there to LIE about?

So now you are blaming Ross Perot?? How desperate can you get?
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Gee, I wonder why?

Ohhhhh Kayyyyyyyyy. BTW, you missed one........... (two posts above yours):


The problem is, YOU don't act exactly the same as everyone else here, so you get clipped more often than everyone else (proof above), but then you view that as an attack on your political affiliation, rather than as a repremand on your personality. Here's a dollar, buy a clue.

My, my, look who's blowing a tonsil. :bowrofl: I can picture you POUNDING on your keyboard. I'm happy that you're so angry, Johnny. Maybe if you looked at yourself instead of pointing the finger all the time, you'd see your own flaws. But why should I expect a liberal to be introspective?

Let it go, Johnny. The moderator has spoken. Go beat up a pillow or your dog or something.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Nice personal attack, but I notice your butt-buddie won't edit this out like he's done to others. So what does this kind of "protection" cost you? Wearing holes through the knees of your pants?

Which "but-buddie" is that?

I have edited both yours and fossten's posts previously, as well as other members. This personal crap WILL end. I have asked nicely over and over again. I will do so ONE more time.

Please stop personal attacks against each other. Debate the issue not the person. Dont make me begin to think about banning people from the politics forum. I REALLY do not want to have to go down that road. You are all intelligent people, please behave like it.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Sorry, I was NOT referring to you.

I'll be glad to relenquish the last word on this.

Its ok. Please understand, its very frustrating for us too. Bryan and I both have a very high tolorance, and believe in letting people freely express their opions (no matter how idioc we may think it is personally :D )

We just want to put a stop to the personal attacks. I am sure you can all understand this, and I ask you to really think your posts through before you make them. And if someone attacks you, be the bigger man and ignore it, dont respond in kind.
Joeychgo said:
Which "but-buddie" is that?

I have edited both yours and fossten's posts previously, as well as other members. This personal crap WILL end. I have asked nicely over and over again. I will do so ONE more time.

Please stop personal attacks against each other. Debate the issue not the person. Dont make me begin to think about banning people from the politics forum. I REALLY do not want to have to go down that road. You are all intelligent people, please behave like it.

Joey, he was referring to me. Seems everybody wants to be my butt-buddy.:eek:

All's good.
Friday April 28, 2006--For the second straight day, just 38% of American adults approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his role as President. That's the lowest level of support ever measured by Rasmussen Reports.
Just 17% Strongly Approve of the President, also a new low.
Sixty-one percent (61%) disapprove, including 45% who Strongly Disapprove. One additional sign of the President's weakness is that Democrats lead by twelve percentage points on a generic 2008 Presidential Ballot.
Saturday April 29, 2006--Public approval of President George W. Bush continues to decline. Today, for the third time in two weeks, the President's Job Approval Rating has fallen to the lowest level ever measured by Rasmussen Reports.

Just 37% of Americans now give the President their Approval, only 16% Strongly Approve. Even among Republicans, approval has tumbled and is currently measured at 66%. For most of his first term, Bush earned Approval Ratings in the high 80s from Republicans.
At the other end of the spectrum, 62% Disapprove including 45% who Strongly Disapprove. Those figures are also the bleakest for President Bush ever recorded by Rasmussen Reports.
Sunday April 30, 2006--Thirty-eight percent (38%) of Americans now approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his job as President. Sixty-one percent (61%) disapprove.

Did you happen to see parts of the Correspondents Dinner?

Bush's piece was great with the Bush impersonator, (whom he invited I might add). People were laughing hysterically.

Then that other hack, Colbert, (the obvious Bush hater) gets on and rips Bush on everything political. Nobody laughs. The guy's little skit with Helen Thomas was one of the lamest I have ever seen on T.V.
MonsterMark said:
Did you happen to see parts of the Correspondents Dinner?
Bush's piece was great with the Bush impersonator, (whom he invited I might add). People were laughing hysterically.

Gotta give him credit for doing it at least.

I have to admit that George W. Bush has a lot of guts to lampoon himself that way. I only saw the small segment with GWB and the impersonator. It was knock-down funny.

His self-effacing humor kicked him up a couple of clicks on my esteem meter.

I have to ask you Bryan. Why do you steadfastly support this guy when most of the country disagrees with you? This thread is about Bush's job approval. How can 62% of the people's opinion be wrong? It's almost 70% in all other polls.

Please, don't start with the Kool-aid crap. We all know your views on MSM. You can't blame them for everything. Hasn't you opinion of his job performance dropped at all or is he still perfect in your eyes? He thinks he was sent by God to save us. Do you?
barry2952 said:
I have to ask you Bryan. Why do you steadfastly support this guy when most of the country disagrees with you? This thread is about Bush's job approval. How can 62% of the people's opinion be wrong? It's almost 70% in all other polls.

Have you ever watched 'Who wants to be a Millionaire'. Is the majority in the audience always right? According to you, they should never be wrong.

Bottom line is this.
Is Bush perfect? No.
Has he made a mistake or two? Maybe.
Why does he have my support when the rest of the Country doesn't? Simple. The rest of the Country is not as informed as I am. That is not a conceited statement. It simply means I make it my business to be more informed than the average American.

Have you ever watched Jay Leno do his JayWalking? Does he not show you time and time again the absolute stupidity of the American public? Most people only know what they are told in 10 seconds soundbites as spun by the media. They base their opinions on that input. Many also conform to the herd mentality, which is why the media pushes polls so hard. Most people want to feel they are a part of the majority. There is safety in the majority. Therefore, the polls currently reflect the long-standing (5 year +) negative campaign as put forth by the media.

If the media reported that things were great in the economy (and they would if a Democrat were in office), if they posted truthfully about the progess in Iraq, Education, Energy, Air, Water, do you really think Bush's poll numbers would be where they are? His numbers are simply a reflection of the 5 year media campaign to discredit him and his administration because they feel he is not the lawfully elected leader. Plain and simple.

Why are Bushes numbers low? Because he hasn't 'ruled' according to polling data. Clinton did. Clinton would sway this way and that depending on the polling data from the day before. Bush sticks to his guns, whether it pisses people off in his own party or not. That is why his numbers among Republicans is down. HE has done plenty to piss some off, on both sides of the aisle. That is what I like about Bush. You get the straight stuff. He doesn't blow in the wind.

Pick any amount of issues and I will tell you if I am behind Bush or disagree with him.

I will say that I support him for another reason. Because I fear what will happen to this Country if we fail to keep a guy like him in the Presidency.
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Reasonable response.

No, I've never watched the shows you mentioned.
barry2952 said:
He thinks he was sent by God to save us.

That's an awfully presumptuous statement, and arrogant besides. There's no evidence anywhere anytime that backs that up.

Bush isn't perfect and he acknowledges that very fact by saying that he depends on God. Obviously if he thought he was perfect he wouldn't have a need for God's guidance.

I know you weren't talking to me, but I will add that I also have found fault with Bush for certain decisions he's made. But Iraq, the Supreme Court, and tax cuts aren't on that list.

His views on immigration and oil alternatives ARE on the list of things I disagree with, however.

The point is, just b/c I disagree with him doesn't mean I HATE him. That's the difference between you and me. I support him because he's trying to lead our country through a perilous time, and it's not helpful to bash him with hateful rhetoric. Criticize and debate, yes, but bash, NO.
We'll see what you do when Hillarity's elected. I'll keep a copy of this post.
barry2952 said:
We'll see what you do when Hillarity's elected. I'll keep a copy of this post.

Hah! You'd better hope she's not elected, or you won't get to read anybody's posts. Blogging will be outlawed.
Monday May 01, 2006--Forty percent (40%) of Americans now approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his job as President. Fifty-nine percent (59%) disapprove.

Those numbers for today match the President's numbers for the full month of April. Data from all 15,000 completed interviews in April produced the President's lowest ever full-month Job Approval Rating. It also reflects a decline of 11 points since the beginning of his second term.

Nearly half of that decline has taken place in the past two months. The Dubai Ports story, immigration, and gas prices have all contributed to the decline. Over the past two weeks, consumer confidence has declined again and is barely above the lowest levels recorded since last fall.
barry2952 said:
Monday May 01, 2006--Forty percent (40%) of Americans now approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his job as President. Fifty-nine percent (59%) disapprove.

Those numbers for today match the President's numbers for the full month of April. Data from all 15,000 completed interviews in April produced the President's lowest ever full-month Job Approval Rating. It also reflects a decline of 11 points since the beginning of his second term.

Nearly half of that decline has taken place in the past two months. The Dubai Ports story, immigration, and gas prices have all contributed to the decline. Over the past two weeks, consumer confidence has declined again and is barely above the lowest levels recorded since last fall.

Isn't it interesting that Barry would quote immigration as an issue that hurts the President's numbers? Especially since Bush is on the side of amnesty? :confused:
barry2952 said:
Monday May 01, 2006--Forty percent (40%) of Americans now approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his job as President. Fifty-nine percent (59%) disapprove.

59% huh? That's about 60% right? Isn't that the same amount of people who couldn't find Iraq on a map :D

Just pokin fun Barry...

It seems latley that no matter what happens in this world it is the President's fault. I mean...I had some bad Taco Bell the other day so I've been thinking about voting Democrat. Spoiled beans must be Bush's fault.
From Rasmussen:

Tuesday May 02, 2006--Forty percent (40%) of Americans now approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his job as President. Fifty-nine percent (59%) disapprove.
Wednesday May 03, 2006--Once again, the President's Job Approval rating is at 40%, while 59% of Americans disapprove. Those figures match the President's totals for the full month of April
barry2952 said:
That means absolutely nothing coming from You.

Well, I was trying to be lighthearted and silly...

But in a forum that has become much too full of itself I guess I should just stay away for good.

Or were you not talking to me?
Actually that response was aimed at Fossten. His post berating me was removed by the administrator. I have no bone to pick with you.

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