Camp 'Crawford'....Give me a break lady

MonsterMark said:
Get ALL your facts straight Johnny. On Friday, he drove right past her on the way to a $2,000,000 fund raiser for Republicans. She was in the picture, 3rd from left. The picture came from inside one of the vehicles. I think Bush was even giving her the friendly finger of friendship. What the hell, you think the guy drives down I-10 to go to the local drive-in movie?

That may be, but my facts ARE TRUE. Look it up.
MonsterMark said:
You look to be the perfect example of a mind-numbed robot that allows 'polls' to influence opinion. Screw everybody. Do what is right. Not what is popular. Sounds like you're a victim of peer pressure.

Btw, I guess I have to inform you that Bush is NOT running for re-election. Who gives a crap about this uniting b.s. The only time the left talks about uniting is when they are out of power. But when they have it, watch out. It's my way or the highway. Hypocrites.

And 'yall are the perfect example of mind-numbed robots blindly following this clown as he "leads" this country right down the drain. I'm offering suggestions on how BuSh might save his and his party's image here and 'yall are refusing it. Even the republicans in congress and the senate are beginning to distance themselves from BuSh on many issues, but the RWWs continue cheering him on in the belief that they'll have no problem winning elections in '06 and '08. LOL, whatever man. Here's some more rope.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
That may be, but my facts ARE TRUE. Look it up.
Sure, but just like the liberal media, you leave out certain facts, ie: TRUTHS, to make your point. That would be called disingenuous, right?

The FACT is, you called Bush a pussy for taking a helicopter so as to not have to drive by the nutjobs and I simply pointed out that your comment was not completely factual. He did indeed drive right past them. I just can't find the pic. But like I said, I am hoping Bush gave her the fickle friendly finger of friendship anyway.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
And 'yall are the perfect example of mind-numbed robots blindly following this clown as he "leads" this country right down the drain. I'm offering suggestions on how BuSh might save his and his party's image here and 'yall are refusing it. Even the republicans in congress and the senate are beginning to distance themselves from BuSh on many issues, but the RWWs continue cheering him on in the belief that they'll have no problem winning elections in '06 and '08. LOL, whatever man. Here's some more rope.
Okay, Johnny, so you got some "good" ideas for Bush, huh? Just what is he supposed to do and say to this woman that will win over some of his detractors? I want specifics. And don't be ridiculous. I want a realistic, hypothetical scenario. If you can honestly give me a credible answer, I'll acknowledge your supreme intelligence on human relations. You give me a BS answer, and you'll show yourself to be full of it.

My opinion is that meeting with her is a no-win situation for him. If he tries to persuade her, he'll look like a bully (especially if she starts crying). If he lets her tell him off, he'll look like an idiot, and the press will portray it something to the effect that "Bush acknowledges his wrongdoing by his silence". I'm sure he'd like to go out there and put her in her place, but that certainly wouldn't fly. So he's doing the right thing by avoiding her. She's hanging herself, she doesn't need Bush to do it.
Kbob said:
Okay, Johnny, so you got some "good" ideas for Bush, huh? Just what is he supposed to do and say to this woman that will win over some of his detractors? I want specifics. And don't be ridiculous. I want a realistic, hypothetical scenario. If you can honestly give me a credible answer, I'll acknowledge your supreme intelligence on human relations. You give me a BS answer, and you'll show yourself to be full of it.

Fair enough. Given that any such meeting would be "private" out of the eyes of cameras (BuSh wouldn't have it any other way), give me a list of questions you'd think she'd ask in private, and I'll give you what I think GW should say in response.
Here's the question she wants answered. Private or Public.

Q: Why did YOU kill my Son?

A: President Johnny's answer to follow....
(Can't wait for this one. Take your time. I'm sure your response is going to be fascinating.)
Man o man, Bush already responded to her on Thursday.

Why does she deserve a meeting? There are 300 million of us. Do we then get a personal one-on-one? She is just a selfish, self-serving mouth-piece for the left. She doesn't deserve any more than she has already got. She got the President of the United States to make a statement concerning her situation. Bravo. Now shut up and go home. Her 15 minutes are OVER.
Only one? C'mon Bryan, you are being much too easy. I'll wait for Kbob's response and add that to yours.

Also, I hope that when you loose a child to a war in the future, that you'll get more respect from your opponents that you are showing her.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Also, I hope that when you loose a child to a war in the future, that you'll get more respect from your opponents that you are showing her.
I have no respect for her. She is using her son's death for her own political gain. She twisted herself 180 because somebody gave her the kool-aid. She's been guzzling it ever since. When Ben Cohen (Ben&Jerry's Ice Cream) is underwriting you, you know you have to be a nutcase.

Bush didn't kill her son, a terrorist did. But is just like the left to blame the gun, and not the gunman.

My distaste for her is rivaling Barry's distaste for Bush I guess.
Cindy Sheehan: "We need to show George Bush and his evil cabal of neocons that when we say "bring the troops home, now" we mean "bring the troops home, now!!!"
Must have been taken right from Howard Deans DNC script. Ya, that sounds like a mother in mourning. Give me a break. A selfish opportunist. Stop drinking the kool-aid and step back from the cooler.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Only one? C'mon Bryan, you are being much too easy.
Do some reading. That's the only question she wants answered. She accuses Bush of 'murdering' her son. How are you supposed to deal with a person like that. Get real. This is all about politics and the anti-war movement. Has nothing to do with a mother who mourns the death of her son. The rest of the family has moved on with their lives. She chooses not to. Her son is rolling over in his grave right now. She is dishonoring his sacrifice every day she keeps up with this. Why you can't see this is beyond me, but then again, I'm not taking slugs from the cooler.
Cindy Sheehan update.

Cindy sang Amazing Grace in a pasture with a rainbow today. I am deeply, deeply touched.

Tomorrow she will sing Cum Ba Ya. I might catch a plane to be a part of that event.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Also, I hope that when you loose a child to a war in the future, that you'll get more respect from your opponents that you are showing her.

There you libs go again with your hate speech. Why do you wish one of Bryan's children to die in war? (I'm sure your response to this will be something like mind my own f---ing business or some other lame dodge.)

BTW, you ducked Bryan's question.
fossten said:
There you libs go again with your hate speech. Why do you wish one of Bryan's children to die in war? (I'm sure your response to this will be something like mind my own f---ing business or some other lame dodge.)

WTF is "hateful" about my response?? You sure have a twisted sense of reality pal.

fossten said:
BTW, you ducked Bryan's question.

Read my post AGAIN for the last friggin time! Kbob made the "challenge" to me, and I'm waiting for his reply. As I SAID, I'll add my response to Bryan's question in my reply to Kbob. So until you have something constructive to add to this thread, STFU.
Camp Crawford Update.....This just in.

Grieving Bush Protestor Has No Exit Strategy
by Scott Ott
(2005-08-16) -- Cindy Sheehan, the protestor whose son died fighting for freedom in Iraq, today acknowledged that she has "no exit strategy" for getting out of what some have called the "quagmire in Crawford" outside of the Texas ranch of President George Bush.

"My opponent is more entrenched than I expected," said Mrs. Sheehan, whose vigil has focused national attention on the ability of the news media to focus national attention on Mrs. Sheehan. "I'm still committed to victory, but it may take longer than I thought at first."

Mrs. Sheehan said she is willing to "pay any price, bear any burden" to get a second meeting with Mr. Bush.
I think Bryans question is the best. She may not be so blunt about it face to face with Bush, especially if she's alone with him in a private meeting. Now if it was in front of the media, she would be emboldened by them, so I can see her getting irate. But she may ask the questions that we have hashed and rehashed here in this forum. "Why are we in this pointless war?" (Her question and wording, not mine.) "Why are we sending our young men to die over there?" "Why don't you bring our troops home now?" "Why did you call me "mom" in our last meeting over and over? Do I look that old?" "Why is my husband divorcing me?"

Okay, the last couple of questions are facetious. But will your answers be any different from what we've been saying all along? If she hasn't been listening to Bush before, she won't listen now. It just doesn't make any sense for him to meet her.

I saw that she's invited Bush out to the ditch to have a little prayer service with her this Friday. If he went, she and/or the media would spin his presence to bolster their anti-war cause, even if they didn't ambush him.
Oh Oh. Another Update. Seems Mrs. Sheehan is the jilted 'other' lover. She must have made a move on George and George told her he was a one woman man. You know what they say.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Man, I LOVE being right ALL the TIME. What a rush! One day she is holding hands and kissing the President. The next day she is saying he murdered her son.

Sheehan Credibility Index = 0

Big time *owned* ......Cindy go home.

Enlarged image of President Bush, center, kissing Cindy Sheehan among family members in 2004. Left to right: Janey, Carly, Patrick, President Bush, Cindy and Andy at Ft. Lewis in Washington State

JohnnyBz00LS said:
Only one? C'mon Bryan, you are being much too easy. I'll wait for Kbob's response and add that to yours.

Also, I hope that when you loose a child to a war in the future, that you'll get more respect from your opponents that you are showing her.

Considering that we have volunteers fighting what could be the last world war I highly doubt your hopes willcome true.

Furher, I am appauled that you would hope that the he looses a child. Face it the lady isbeing controlled likea pupet and she is suffering a loss. I pray no more parents have to loose thier child to anything especially combat.

This stunt sh is pulling didn't get us through WWII.

God Bless the volunteers that will keep tomorrow adults out ofharms way.
From the New York Post --

August 16, 2005 -- It's impossible not to appreciate the pain and anguish that Cindy Sheehan, now camped out by President Bush's Texas ranch, has felt since her soldier son, Casey, was killed in action in Iraq.

Even Sheehan's belief that her son died in what she now terms "a dishonorable cause" is, in a way, understandable — even though most of the families of those killed in the War on Terror would strongly disagree with her.

But Cindy Sheehan's vigil in hopes of getting a second meeting with the president (their first was last year, two months after Casey's death) has attracted widespread media attention.

Indeed, her new campaign as the so-called "peace mom" has energized the antiwar movement, fueled by constant and favorable coverage from the national news reporters — now bivouacked in Crawford, Texas, bored silly and more than willing to portray her as "the symbol for the entire antiwar movement."

Like any other American, she is entitled to a personal agenda. Sadly, the one she's developed is ugly.

Cindy Sheehan is a fully fledged member of the Michael Moore wing of the Democratic Party. She rails about how terrorism could be ended if only Israel would "get out of Palestine" — and compares Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to "Hitler and Stalin."


* She says that the same news media that have so adoringly covered her these past two weeks are nothing but "a propaganda tool for the government."

* She charges that without the Internet, America "would already be a fascist state."

* Speaking last April at a rally supporting radical lawyer Lynne Stewart (a woman convicted of abetting terrorism), Sheehan declared that America "is not worth dying for" and "has been killing people . . . since we first stepped foot on this continent."

* Her activities are being coordinated by Democratic political strategists — which helps explain why her statements parrot Democratic talking points, such as how "the Downing Street Memo proves that" Bush "lied to the American people."

Again, she is entitled to her views. [She sounds just like Barry and Johnny.]

But those are the views of an activist; her vigil has degenerated into high-profile political theater — if, indeed, that wasn't the point in the first place. And by her own account, she wants "a good meeting with the president" not really to talk, but rather to lecture him on the evils of the war in Iraq.

Little, in other words, would be served by the president taking part in such a politically manipulated media event. (And, again, he met with Mrs. Sheehan last year, after which she praised his sincerity and empathy with her loss.)

To be sure, all this has presented the White House with a public-relations dilemma. But President Bush has met with more than 900 relatives of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan — including some who have angrily confronted him over the war.

Most, however, have urged him to stay the course. And they agree that to cut and run — as demanded by Cindy Sheehan and her handlers — would send a terrible message to the people of Iraq. And, indeed, to the entire world.
The latest found ranting of Cindy Sheehan

I don't feel sorry for this woman one bit. I feel for her son's sacrifice and I feel for his honor that she has trampled. Other than that, imho, she is a P.O.S.

Wed Aug 17 2005 21:51:56 ET From Drudge...

"We are not waging a war on terror in this country. We’re waging a war of terror. The biggest terrorist in the world is George W. Bush!"

So declared Cindy Sheehan earlier this year during a rally at San Francisco State University.

Sheehan, who is demanding a second meeting with Bush, stated: "We are waging a nuclear war in Iraq right now. That country is contaminated. It will be contaminated for practically eternity now."

Sheehan unleashed a foul-mouth tirade on April 27, 2005:

"They’re a bunch of :q:q:q:qing hypocrites! And we need to, we just need to rise up..." Sheehan said of the Bush administration.

"If George Bush believes his rhetoric and his bull:q:q:q:q, that this is a war for freedom and democracy, that he is spreading freedom and democracy, does he think every person he kills makes Iraq more free?"

"The whole world is damaged. Our humanity is damaged. If he thinks that it’s so important for Iraq to have a U.S.-imposed sense of freedom and democracy, then he needs to sign up his two little party-animal girls. They need to go to this war."

"We want our country back and, if we have to impeach everybody from George Bush down to the person who picks up dog :q:q:q:q in Washington, we will impeach all those people."

I so want Bush to slap her down. I will be saying a prayer for that to happen.
Man, you know what, that rubber hose idea sounds real good right about now.......
She's starting to sound like Charlie Brown's teacher...WA WA WA WAA WA WAAA

And of course she's from California. I love that state. Had a great time growing up there. Still one of the most beautiful places that was ever created. Tons of stuff to do...California is great...the only problem is all the fu*kin Californians...
Why aren't Barry, Phil and Johnny denouncing this woman? Obviously this is what they must believe also. I'll pray for your misguided souls.
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I bet they have a rousing game of cyber wet biscuit going.......
MAllen82 said:
I bet they have a rousing game of cyber wet biscuit going.......

LOL stop it, dammit! You're killing me!!!

She needs to be introduced to Mr. Buckshot.

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