Can I Drive with Rear Air Bags Down


Active LVC Member
Feb 8, 2013
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Besides riding real hard, what damage could I cause by driving with the rear air bags deflated?
Excessive tire wear. 1 out of 10 Lincolns in Waco is ass down all the time. Its almost like a cult.
right because the government will burn them alive and pin it on the people in the house...

you can drive with the ass down but its not a good idea. fix it as soon as possible.
Thanks for the info. I need to drive the car for a short time before I can fix the bags.
Too bad you are so far away. I have a pair that will hold air for a couple days. Looks like the rear only dropped 1/2" over night. Just installed new ones today.
I had to drive a few hundred miles with my rear bags deflated. Hit my ceiling a few times over pot holes but no damage that I could see when I went in to fix the problem.
I was driving 10 hrs. from Philly to Detroit with a trunk load of parts for Jeremi to install for me. Luck was with me and the bags stayed up.
of course the ride will SUCK, but when i had to have a wrecked donor car towed to my house the rear was down, i was able to put wood blocks between the rear control arm top and the chassis, it kept the ass up at the correct level, of course no one was riding in that car though,just towing it and didnt want to tear up the underside or catch on a railroad crossing.

but may be an option for you
when it gets into a hopping rhythm you will hit your head on the ceiling

when I bought the 93 that I had for a while the previous owners had obviously driven it like that for a long time, the internal bump stop in one of the rear bags was damaged and smashed allowing it to sit even lower!
Destroyed my shocks when I lost the right-rear bag, so you might want to keep that in mind when you replace the bags.
Destroyed my shocks when I lost the right-rear bag, so you might want to keep that in mind when you replace the bags.

I was just about to say that it can't be doing the shocks any good by being slammed and driving it. I have an extra set of rear bags in the garage just for this same problem, if it ever comes at me one day. I got them from Bruce on here. Seems like they were fairly cheap too. Stuff like that you should always try to get an extra set of because it's an easy fix that can be done without a jack, if needed and you never know when one is going to start leaking on you.
Not too much damage but ull definately be confused for a vato thats for sure

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Not too much damage? Well, that's debatable. Think about it. You're driving a Mark VIII with deflated rear air springs. The rear end is sitting on the bump stops. The shocks are constantly compressed and under undue stress. The camber will be out causing severe wear to the inside edge of the tires. And the bouncing and jarring is going to cause damage to the control arm bushings, sway bar bushings, and subframe mount bushings, not to mention rattling the fillings out of your teeth. And the exhaust tips will get bent. Remember these cars have a very large amount of rear end overhang. Please don't drive a Mark with a slammed rear end. It's bad business any way you look at it.
When my pump failed and it was sitting dam near 1" off the ground, towed it home! "NO WAY" I would attempt to drive it like that and hurt something else. New front bags and pump and back to normal.

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