Can we make a sticky

No problem having an LS mod. Good idea.

If you are interested, send Joey a PM stating your qualifications, so to speak.

The BEST thing about this site is how it self-governs itself. There are only a couple of mods because there is no need to mod.

So be forewarned, there won't be much activity.

What I have found out about other boards is that heavy moderation causes more problems than it solves. Sometimes it pays to let people blow off a little steam. Take a look at any board with tons of moderators and you'll also see a bunch of flaming going on.
I think there should be a "Common Questions" sticky. In that sticky there should be all the questions that get asked alot and right below the question would be the corresponding thread(s) that answer the questions. That way they can bring up the old post if they don't understand something, without having to make a new one.
Venom-Linc said:
I think there should be a "Common Questions" sticky. In that sticky there should be all the questions that get asked alot and right below the question would be the corresponding thread(s) that answer the questions. That way they can bring up the old post if they don't understand something, without having to make a new one.

i like that suggestion... we should all come up with questions and decide which ones make the cut... like the all chrome grill question or the speaker sizes, etc
Reading this forum again... A moderator would be a good person to monitor the needs of the LS members also a person who would know where to direct new members on old answered questions or common questions.

Good Luck LS Members as you guy are really moving fast on this site.

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