Can you spell hypocrite?

I really don't care if it is or isn't going to do you in, turn you into a drug addict, or just blow your money for kicks.

I do care if I have to take up the slack at work, or be extra alert I don't get killed or injured because some one is stoned, drunk, etc. or is operating equipment around others stoned, drunk, etc.

I do care if I need to worry about my kids getting stoned, drunk, etc.. Ask anyone aware of the current drug market and they can tell you it's much easier to push hard drugs on stoned kids than straight kids.

I do care my tax money is wasted on health care for drug addicts, alchoholics, and political retirement schemes.

I do care the public must help support families and children left adrift because of drugs, alcohol, and gambling.

If keeping these things illegal, hard to get, etc. can reduce the number of people adversely affected by these things I think that's great.
hard to get that is a joke weather you live in the city or a small town drugs are there small towns tend to push more meth than pot but look at it like this If I was 9 years old I could wank up to some one and say yo were the weed at, and it might take 10 or 15 min. but you will get it. you can find out were to get any thing in 30 min. or less(pot, guns, meth, any thing at all) in even the small cities or towns. it is easer to get pot at 9 than beer. ya I did smoke pot do I now no, but when I did it was neaver ME "hey can I get some pot?" Dealer "ya, but I got some coke, and LSD you should try it its so much better!!" that does not happen. if you care just talk to your kids do not tell lies and BS them. tell them the facts and that you do not aprove. the same goes for eating right and taking care of your self.
Many things are available if one looks for them anywhere. That does not mean it's a good thing or that one should give up on limiting it. The question is why are people seeking this out? Is because of their own desires to escape from their reality, or is it because someone is out to make any money any way they can. There are few people more despicable than those who glorify drugs, war, and ends justifying means.

It's true you should not BS your kids or keep them ignorant, but the judgement of youth is historically not the best and when you are the one responsible for their actions sometime your judgement is not the best either.
We're stuck with the laws we have but something happened locally that I don't understand. Why does it seem to be a more serious crime to smoke it than it is to distribute pot.

Locally, a group of guys were renting big expensive houses and turned them into pot farms. One of the guys got 3 years probation and a year of community service. WTF! There are guys in prison for 15 years for posession. Guess who could afford the better lawyer?
barry2952 said:
We're stuck with the laws we have but something happened locally that I don't understand. Why does it seem to be a more serious crime to smoke it than it is to distribute pot.

Locally, a group of guys were renting big expensive houses and turned them into pot farms. One of the guys got 3 years probation and a year of community service. WTF! There are guys in prison for 15 years for posession. Guess who could afford the better lawyer?
As the saying goes...If you got it, smoke it!

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