yes, its the tin covers that are stripped out on the lugs. I tried the try the covers off, but it was 107 degrees out and the car was parked in the sun. After about 10 - 15 minutes of messing with it I gave up for the day. The car needs tires anyway, so I think im just going to take it into the tire shop.
I actaully just bought this car from my brother inlaw. He was letting his brother drive it. He took it away from him because he tried to out run the cops through a corn field, and broke the front left lower ball joint. He also got caught. He got the ball joint fixed, and the rest of the suspension inspected before I bought it. Car still needs a front end alignment, but the rest of it was good according to the guy that worked on it.
When I got it: it had a miss at idle but would smooth out when you have it some gas, the oil change was on about 8k miles, and the airfilter was plugged full of crap.
I got the oil, fuel filter, and air filter changed. Changed the plugs, and found one coil pack that was bad. Its a nice car overall has no body damage. Interior is perfect in it, and runs excellent now.