Can't remove CoP covers. The threaded insert in the valve cover turns freely.


LVC Member
Jun 11, 2012
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I get the error code for the number eight cylinder not firing when it was raining cats and dogs. I began the process of replacing the plug and seals today but I can't get two of the screws out of the valve cover. The threaded copper insert in the valve cover spins forever with the screw. It looks like I need to get new ones pressed in or replace the valve cover but I can't get the valve cover off to do any of that until I get the CoP cover's off. Has anyone got a suggestion as to how to tackle this with the engine still in the car? If it was out, I'd just drill the screws out but I don't have that luxury at this time.
I get the error code for the number eight cylinder not firing when it was raining cats and dogs. I began the process of replacing the plug and seals today but I can't get two of the screws out of the valve cover. The threaded copper insert in the valve cover spins forever with the screw. It looks like I need to get new ones pressed in or replace the valve cover but I can't get the valve cover off to do any of that until I get the CoP cover's off. Has anyone got a suggestion as to how to tackle this with the engine still in the car? If it was out, I'd just drill the screws out but I don't have that luxury at this time.

Are the bolts at all loose in the inserts? If so you'll have to push down on the top of the insert while backing-out the bolt. If not you'll probably have to pull the bolt and insert out with the cover. I had a couple that were that way and just JB Welded the insert back into the valve cover.
... you'll probably have to pull the bolt and insert out with the cover. I had a couple that were that way and just JB Welded the insert back into the valve cover.

Been there, done that...

Be sure to fix the cowl seals, particularly the one around the passenger side windshield wiper shaft in your case.
They don't appear to be loose in the inserts at all. What do you mean by "pull the bolt out with the cover"? Will it just rip loose with enough force? Any particular method recommended to get at them? Will just prying with a screwdriver under the cover do the job? Both of mine are on the driver side and one is particularly hard to get at. the middle one on the bottom is one and the top rear one is the other.
If the inserts are spinning with the bolts, then it shouldn't take much to pull the inserts out with the coil cover. A little light prying with a screwdriver next to the problem insert should be okay.
I had this problem once,. basicly like they said, I just used a flat pry tool once all the other bolts were out to pry the cover up as close to the bolt as i could get. at first it was really tough to pry (didn't want to get all crazy, not wanting to crack or chip a cover). while prying with one hand, I turned the ratchet with the other and it popped right out. then just held on to the inset with a set of pliers and spun it off.

also as mentioned above, used JB to set the inset back into its hole (the thinner liquid kind, not the thick clay like bars)
Thanks everyone. I'll tear back into it this morning. Now I just have to figure out how to get to the lower one.

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