carseat issue


Dedicated LVC Member
Aug 1, 2005
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Lunenburg, MA
question for all those with infant carseats. how do you have it mounted? i put a small pillow under te base to "level" the unit. the rear seats are angled weird. the base still slides around some with the pillow. help please.
I found the angle too deep as well. I used a tightly rolled up towel and pulled the belt as tight as I could. The car seat should not move around. If it is, you need to pull tighter. I put my knee in the seat and used my weight to push the car seat down and get the belt tight. Also, if your 2000 does not have the rear anchors in the back window, you can get them from the dealer. They can install them for you as well, but they are not too difficult to put in.
you should get a carseat that has an adjustable angle base. Some of them even have a level on them to let you know when it's right. it's pretty important to get the level right.
the pillow levels the base. i pull the belt as tight as possible, but it dosn;t seem to stay put. this is for a rear-facing infant seat the separates from the base, so the anchors are of no use yet.
I took my baby cuz in the car several times and I noticed that the back seat was shaped very funny also....We had a forward facing seat and used the hooks above the seat....I had to put here in the middle the first time and then the way home we used a rolled towel also.... What I did to fix the seat belt pulling loose was pulled it all the way out and then hooked it up and pulled it tight this will keep the belt from pulling loose because the seatbelt has to be pulled all the way back in......hope this helps
if you pull the seatbelt out ALL THE WAY then slowly let it back in until you latch it it puts it in carseat mode (you'll hear a ratcheting sound). this locks the belt in's worth spending time and do this right. Since you work at a dealer you may consider having them help you out. it's important as I'm sure you know!
I had the same problem with my 2 month old. We ended up buying an ajustable base for the carseat. The car seat has the level on the side.
yeah i was going to say that my rear facing seat has a base that has a adjustable piece on the rear of it. Once I got the angle right I just strapped it right in and tightened it down. It works great....

But my little girl is about move into a forward facing seat so we shall see if that will work as well...
Tispco said:
The car seat should not move around. If it is, you need to pull tighter. I put my knee in the seat and used my weight to push the car seat down and get the belt tight.
Yep, this is the best way to install a forward-facing car seat.
Call your local police department. Usually, there's an officer trained in the correct installation of child safety seats. Sometimes, they even give out free car seats for a small donation to the program.

First, get a very thick beach towel and double/triple it up. Lay it on the seat where you're going to put the car seat. The pressure of having the car seat straped in over time, will leave indentations in your leather. Lesson learned.

When the police installed my car seat, they used 3 pieces of a pool noodle to level it out... works great. The seatbelt was strung through the car seat and latched. The trick is to leave the seatbelt short of the latch and let it retract some... then bear your weight onto the car seat to latch the belt in place. I'm talking full body weight on the car seat so that you can barely get the belt to click in. When you release your weight from the car seat, it's very very stable. If the carseat moves side to side at all, it is improperly installed.

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