Cbecker1994Vlll 10.2 time slip IS FAKE...

WOW Caleb? What is up with this SON! You even had me, all that talk on the phone? WOW man. This is a STICKY for LIFE! STUCK BY ME!

LOL. You stuck it, then I unstuck it thinking I was sticking it and then I had to go back and stick it again.

LMAO. And then the guy runs around other boards and calls us names???:mad:

Can't wait for the TestNTune Wednesday.

We should see some 9 second slips when he tosses some 500hp jets on that badboy.
I just hope he has the nards to come back. :lol:
Wow... can we be soooo lucky that we have TWO... count em TWO! Effing tool bags in less than a month!

Whats this winter going to bring!?!?
for just a stroker going 10's dont remember the guy user name but he has a stroker and i think a blower as well and me thinks low 11's.........hey geno what happen to chris from lms west.......that was a sweet mk for the longest...
you should of bought it and but it in lms east museum....:cool:
Seems his home sit just dont care, they are standing up for him. Oh well, I just thought that was a douchey thing to do. Its one thing if its a prank from the get go but with his posts hewas really running with the lie.

Oh well, back to modding. :D
So this douche is from Gardner KS? I lived there for two years [not in the joco jail either]. Worked at the biggest shop in town and new everyone that had anything to do with cars. Never once did I meet someone else with another mark in town, not even an old person. Hell when I started working there at big O my manager told me that my front wheel drive v6 was slower then his truck [stock chevy], till he drove it and it scared him half to death when the rear spun instead of the front and he almost lost it on main street. I won alot of bets in gardner thanks to my f/d v6 lincoln mark 8.
more info:


Eddie Rosa


NOT Eddie Rosa



I dunno.. the kid DOES look alot like Rosa.
maybe there's something Checkers Wife needs to clear up!

Well according to their other thread he is a stand up guy and we are all ghey. :lol:

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