Had this problem at about 50-60K miles on my '02. If you are experiencing the deck trying to cycle but not ejecting, use another disk to help align things by sliding it part way in to sorta help things come loose. Mine was very touchy about 'home-burnt disks. It was a thickness problem. I ultimately had to stop using home made and I also had a service do a 'tune-up' of the deck. At 142K miles it's still, now, doing fine.
Edit to add---
You may well be able to look in and see one or more disk edges. You might try to pull them out by using a pair of needle-nose pliers. Since mine wasn't working well, I went into 'Car Tunes' to look into buying an aftermarket deck. They told me that it just needed a 'tune-up'. I took them at their word and it's worked just fine ever since. It cost about $100 as I remember. KS