Center Console Squeak


LVC Member
Apr 11, 2007
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My center console is squeaking pretty bad. When I rest my leg on it or go over a bump is squeaks. It is just the plastic on plastic squeak. Anyone have a fix for this?
I pulled mine apart to do the SST reverse mod and cleaned the pieces real good. I think that dirt and dust gets down there and causes the rubs, so a good cleaning should help. It's been a lot better, but not perfect, since I did it. Mostly good though. I might try lining that center piece and the piece that coveres the shifter with some type of thin felt strip someday if it keeps being a problem.
my 1st gen had this problem, i just went to a craft store (fabrics and sh!t not witch) and got tape with felt on one side, then just took it apart and put the felt tape on all the pieces that touch. it worked great
Felt is the way to go. There's some in the center stack of my car that was there when I bought it, and I'm sure every other LS out there.
Felt is the way to go. There's some in the center stack of my car that was there when I bought it, and I'm sure every other LS out there.

Yeah when I had the center console opened up I was amazed by how much padding was going on in there.
im going to need to pick some of that up too. i had a couple of old jvc 12 inch subs sitting my garage and decided i wanted to push them past their limit and now everything in my car likes to rattle and squeak. especially the deck lid behind the back seats. it was fun though
does anyone know why there is an indent in the rearmost cupholer on the 2003? it's a pain in the ass to clean. im not sure about other years
does anyone know why there is an indent in the rearmost cupholer on the 2003? it's a pain in the ass to clean. im not sure about other years

This might sounds stupid, but maybe it's for some air to get trapped: for the purpose of being able to remove the rubber catch. It's hard to pull those suckers out 'cause they suction in.
I soaked my rubber inserts for the cupholders in warm water + dishsoap for almost 24 hours and I still couldn't get them clean. There is like permanent soda/grime from the previous owner that is baked into the material or something. But yea Those things are very hard to get out, you gotta pull just in the right places
hmmm...i never had rubber inserts and i got my car fairly new
Even though the thread has been derailed....;) I just stick my rubber cup holder in the top rack of the dishwasher and that works perfect! Nothing ever left on it and it looks brand new. :D
I soaked my rubber inserts for the cupholders in warm water + dishsoap for almost 24 hours and I still couldn't get them clean. There is like permanent soda/grime from the previous owner that is baked into the material or something. But yea Those things are very hard to get out, you gotta pull just in the right places

Try either Goo Gone or Simple Green. Both of those seem to be able to remove junk that otherwise seem impossible to clean. I also dont understand the issue at hand. My '05 doesnt have an "indent" in the cupholder and my rubber inserts also have a little tab on the outer edge which you can just pull on and it comes right out. Never had a problem.
I just put them in the dishwasher, hopefully the hot steam will wreck that grime.

If not ill just pick up some goo gone next time im @ the store

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