Change oil soon.....

94 GMC Jimmy 4.3L CPI
I run Mobil 1 and change it every 20,000 miles give or take depending on how it looks. 212,000 miles and she still purrs like a kitten, albeit a retarded kitten with the occasional hiccup (stupid EGR valve) but a kitten non the less.

The LS...I keep an eye on the oil and usually reset the meter once and change at about 6,000+ miles. The stuff coming out looks just like the stuff going in.
Oh, I missed the part about him running a place that changes oil. Now that explains it all. LOL

I hope I didn't affend you with my comment about Pennzoil. ;)
bufordtpisser said:
If by the stuff that starts with an "A" you mean AmsOil, then your data is seriously flawed. And being that you run a "Place that changes Oil" that is a statement that I would expect from you. Because people can't buy the oil that starts with an "A" from people like you, and you don't make any money from them. I use AmsOil in all of my vehicles, and I will put money on it that the oil that I take out of my vehicle is as good or better than what you put in yours. Don't get me wrong here, I like Mobile 1, and it is my second choice, but every Independant study that I have ever seen, ranks AmsOil as the very best oil that you can use in your vehicle under any conditions. And the only reason that Mobile 1 took their 15000 mile oil off of the market was that they were pressured into doing so by "Places that change Oil". I have seen first hand that analysis results of diesel trucks that have been running AmsOil for over 100,000 miles with nothing more than Filter changes. Now granted these filter setups were very elaborate, 4 - 6 filters setup on a filter bank, but none the less, over 100,000 miles and the analysis stated that they could probably go another 100,000 miles. So 200,000 miles and 4 filter changes. Cost benefit analysis proves that it is good oil. They did the same tests on Dino oils and they did last longer than the recommended change intervals, but not 100,000 plus miles. And yes they did use the same filter setup.

I personally believe that the only people that benefit from 3000 mile oil changes, are the people who run "Places that change Oil" and auto parts stores that sell oil and filters.

I love these Amsoil supporters. Yes, I could sell it. The rep comes around a couple times a year and asks me to carry it. I tell him I don't sell snake oil. Since your wonderful product is so flawless, lets elaborate a bit on what it is good for.

First and foremost, several Amsoil products do not meet the required API standards that manufacturers use to deem warranty work for your new vehicles. If you run amsoil in your new vehicle, and its not API rated, then if you loose your motor you've just chitcanned your warranty from Ford, or whomever, and put it in the hands of Amsoil. Now, lets look at the restrictions that they place upon you in such case

5. In the event of a claim against AMSOIL INC., the procedure below must be completely followed.
a. Where the original warranty from the equipment manufacturer is still in effect, the customer shall file a warranty claim with the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) in accordance with the OEM warranty procedure.
b. Customer shall retain failed parts for inspection by AMSOIL INC. unless given to the OEM.

A. If you file with the dealer on an under warranty claim, and cannot prove oil changes much more frequently than what required by Amsoil, you get DENIED.
B. You have to fix the broken mess yourself, and they reimburse you. NICE

e. In cases where the OEM warranty is still in effect and that warranty coverage is denied based on the use of an AMSOIL lubricant, the customer shall immediately notify AMSOIL INC. and provide a written copy of the OEM warranty denial.
f. AMSOIL INC. may, at its option, notify its insurance carrier of the claim.
g. AMSOIL INC. or its insurance carrier may conduct an investigation that includes, but is not limited to, an inspection of the failed parts, a review of the operating conditions, and a thorough review of the information requested above. The customer agrees to cooperate with such investigation.
h. If AMSOIL INC. or its insurance carrier pays a claim, an attempt may be made to recover amounts paid from the OEM. If this occurs, the customer may be asked to provide further information pertaining to the failure and to cooperate with AMSOIL INC. or its insurer in the recovery process.

Recognize that it says amsoil may, AT ITS OPTION, investigate and decide whether or not to pay, all based on OEM denial reasons. Then, you're stuck if they do pay in a legal battle between Amsoil and the manufacturer for as long as they drag it on. Costing you time and money

AMSOIL lubricants used in mechanically deficient equipment as a result of abnormal operation; negligence; abuse; damage from casualty, shipment or accident; or equipment modification done without written authorization from the OEM.

Gee, better not bolt anything onto that motor, then you'd have modified it.

AMSOIL lubricants that have been used for the purposes of racing or in applications where the OEM required lubricant standards do not match those stated by AMSOIL INC. without the written approval from AMSOIL INC.

Don't meet the API, your screwed

Failure of equipment when AMSOIL lubricants are not used in strict accordance with either the written recommendations of AMSOIL INC. or the OEM for warranty coverage.

OEM warranty coverage means changing at 5000 mile intervals for most

Failure of equipment due to a pre-existing condition that is unrelated to the use of AMSOIL

WOW, thats an open ended statement. What couldn't be pre-existing?

1. Failure to follow all OEM recommendations for warranty coverage, including lubricants, maintenance, and drain intervals, prior to the first installation of AMSOIL lubricants.

Wow, don't forget to save all your proof. Miss one and guess what, yur screwed!

Failure was the result of an OEM defect

Doesn't matter if it was an OEM defect if you use an unapproved oil for unapproved lengths. Yet again, yur screwed!

This warranty shall be governed, interpreted and construed by, and in accordance with, the laws of the State of Wisconsin

Might want to check the laws there. Big companies like to pick states with chitty consumer protection laws. WHich means, yur screwed!

So what have we learned? That they leave open ended reasons to not pay claims. They make you pay in advance of such and get reimbursment, then entangle you in court proceedings. They will shaft you until your anus is 12 inches wide.

Here is a link to a camry dying at 27000 miles with amsoil. ALthough they paid the claim, their product failed, and it was recognized that their product had failed multiple times in this particular scenario. But since then, Amsoil has issued out a TSB on this engine and other known sludgemonsters recommending the usage of an API certified oil in these applications and following the OEM recommended drain interval. Sludge monsters, aka amsoil failures

This is from an amsoil article, and stated by amsoil august 2005
“We receive about 20 miscellaneous vehicle
warranty claims per year,” reported Albert’s
son, Alan Amatuzio, executive vice president
and chief operating officer. “We investigate
each one comprehensively, examine
maintenance records, mileage, type of service
and repair invoices. We conduct
phone interviews and hire independent
expert investigators and engineers to
review failed parts and write an
Investigative Findings Report documenting
our results and send it to the claimant.
“Only in rare instances when we cannot
find an explanation for the problem, even
though the lubricant is not to blame, do
we accept a claim. Paid claims have
amounted to exactly two in the last two
years, which speaks volumes given the
quantity of oil we sell. It was later determined
that both paid claims were ultimately
the result of manufacturing errors
on behalf of a major automotive OEM.”

Yeah, all OEM faults. Thats GOTTA be true

And finally, here's a great article where amsoil wanted to pay out 1.5 million for damages. Amsoil sued its insurance company cuase they wouldn't cover 1.3 million of the 1.5 million that had to be paid'amsoil%20paid%20claims'
Advertizing really does work wonders, with all the myths people believe about certain brands of oil and specifically synthetics...

BTW, oil doesn't wear out, but ZDP/ZDDP does.
That's the only reason why you can't run and filter oil forever, because the additives int he oil wear out. Otherwise, you could bypass filter the oil until half of time ended.

This one bypass filter company (who has a huge contract with Coca Cola and several other major companies) ran a truck for over 1 million miles on the same oil change, but the filter change required adding makeup oil to replace what was absorbed by the filter when the filter was removed. Probably the only reason why it worked for that long, because it kept getting fresh additives.

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