Chapter Leaders

Im working on several things --- just not having quick success... :)

My current thoughts:

I do plan to have a local links section for links that only belong in that particular area, such as a detail shop, with part of the proceeds going into an account for chapter events. The Clickable ads by google will be set up the same way, so if you click the google ads on the midwest chapter - part of the proceeds will be used for chapter stuff.

I also am trying to get a block with an automatically updated listing of members who have subscribed to the chapter.

I opted NOT to place members pics on the main page because of the size it would take up considering how many members there are and will be. (remember it'll get alot bigger)

What other features do you guys think the should Chapter Homepage have?

Help me out a little guys -- IDEAS!!!!!!!

Jibit said:
Hey Joey, how about including links to the members photo garage. Is that possible?

Then we could add pictures of the members to identify them and include a little background.
Jibit said:
Hey Joey, how about including links to the members photo garage. Is that possible?

Then we could add pictures of the members to identify them and include a little background.

I like the members profile. It will help recognizing members when they look lost -

Once we agree on the member leadership we can work on some of the details of what we need.

Local services who will offer discounts to members would also be a good thing for the Chapter sections.
Once we agree on the member leadership we can work on some of the details of what we need.

We kinda did decide Mespock ---

Your the VP -- did we forget to tell you?
Sounds like Jibit and Mespock would be great leaders. I wish the both of you success and I am sure you both have some good ideas ahead of us. :invasion:
So whats the first order of business Mr. President.I can see it already Dave singing hail to the chief to himself
MarkedMan said:
So whats the first order of business Mr. President.I can see it already Dave singing hail to the chief to himself
There always has to be one in the bunch!

Actually, one of my biggest concerns is participation. I think the meets will start out small but as more people become active the meets will actually have more content to them.

What I'd like to do is start going to car shows (obviously next year) to show people what we're all about. Then we may be able to get things donated to the club or discounted; like detailing things for the car.

I was thinking that we could almost be like free advertisement for products/companies as long as they provide the product and demonstrate (at a gathering) how to use it correctly.

This won't happen unless we get participation.

Over the winter it would be nice to help fellow members get their rides ready for the sping. We could really build up the tech section while we're doing this. What do you guys think?:feedback
That is a great idea I think that letting them know that the advertising is free is what will get them to go with these ideas, I will be going to the M&M dealer this weekend and see what they think about letting us test drive newly released vehicles, we can even put up front page articles on how well the car drives, feels and handles. Man it would be great to have parts places showing demonstrations at our meet. :dancefool

Congrats to the pres and VP. :Beer Lets have a party :dj:
MarkedMan said:
So whats the first order of business Mr. President.I can see it already Dave singing hail to the chief to himself
He has to have something to do in the shower besides..........ah, never mind, finish the line yourself.
Jibit said:
Over the winter it would be nice to help fellow members get their rides ready for the sping. We could really build up the tech section while we're doing this.


And, we could start by going to the Chicago Car Show in Feb.

What will work in re the suppliers, is numbers. If we have a summer BBQ and can get 100 people+ families to show, I can promise you manufacturers/distributers will be interested....

One thing I suggested a long time ago, is that in the spring, we hook up with a detailer, and see if we can get a group rate at a meet to get all our cars done in one day - washed, waxed, etc.

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