check out this 7 second MK.

Advertised as a rolling chassis, but doesn't actually come with any wheels! :lol:

Having a hard time believing that there is in excess of 40 grand tied up in that.
Advertised as a rolling chassis, but doesn't actually come with any wheels! :lol:

Having a hard time believing that there is in excess of 40 grand tied up in that.

If he bought the Mark brand new he does.
If he bought the Mark brand new he does.

Well, if that's how things are advertised these days, when it's time to get rid of my junk pile to the Salvation Army or whoever, I'll advertise it as:

''ZOMG! Over $36,000 invested...

...By original leasing company''.

oh it certainly did run, there are video's of it somewhere, i think on maybe. there is alot of nice stuff and hard work into the car but certainly no where near 40 grand thats a little far fetched. and i dont believe it was a 7 sec mark either, because kasper racings outlaw 10.5 mark is a 7 sec mark and it has a twin turbo big block if i am not mistaking, that green one has a stock 4.6 short block with no forged internals no way did it ever hit 7 sec, maybe in the 1/8

this car is sick
Kasper Racing Lincoln Mark VIII in the sixes - Car Videos on StreetFire
Yeah that's a lot for what it is. That car is a few miles from me at a shop. I've heard he ran it at my local track but never saw it run. Had a bbc engine at one time rumor has it would run 9s? I looked it over a few years back it looked like a 9 second car that's for sure. Stripped out with a huge motor and rear tires. Maybe the setup is good for the sevens.
not that car, that green one didnt have a big block i have sold him a lot of parts, he has two of them, both deep jewel green, one is a drag car one is stock, its always had a 4.6 in it. the owners name is aaron, unless you are talking about the black one i posted a video of, that is for sure a big block car. with twin turbos the size of 747 engines!!
Living here in salisbury(eastern shore of maryland) and racing at the local track the only back half mark I know of had a bbc and tubbed. It was also dark green. Never ever heard of or seen a back half 4.6 mark. I maybe wrong but I heard a lot about it at the track trust me. I think I know who you r talking about. He has marks with spray. He had one for sale two years back that when I talked to him. This add is about a differrent car.
well i would have to look it up but the guy aaron who owns the green car in those pictures i am almost positive he lives in ohio, it seems to me that whoever posted that add used aaron's pictures, because the green car in the photos are the same pics i was emailed by the owner, and that car was a 4.6 back halfed car. he buys pcm harness's from me for other 4.6 swaps into other ford vehicles, he has bought computers, maf meters, harness's, so it seems to me that the add above IS for a mark VIII but not the green one pictured.
You might be thinking of his one. This had a BBF then a BBC in it.






BTW you can easily spend 40k on a 7 sec cert. Outlaw roller.
Well, if that's how things are advertised these days, when it's time to get rid of my junk pile to the Salvation Army or whoever, I'll advertise it as:

''ZOMG! Over $36,000 invested...

...By original leasing company''


How else can you gauge the money in a vehicle? I easily have $20K in mine since I bought the car in December of 2000.
How else can you gauge the money in a vehicle

Normally, when advertising a vehicle for sale, one would say something along the lines of: ''Bought vehicle for $xxxx and have put $xxxx into it''.

That way, it is clear how much was spent on actually modifying/caring for the vehicle - stuff that is useful to know.

Anyway, if what Geno says is true, then I guess there is a lot of money tied up in that thing, even if it is just a (non) rolling chassis! :lol:
holy :q:q:q:q. how did he fit that in there? LOL, thats got to be fun to drive!
the stock 4 valve is larger in size than a boss 429 so damn near anything will go in these cars. Geno is right 40 k in a certified 7 second chassis isn't unbelievable. the car may have never run but the car could be certified to be allowed to run that fast. there would be paperwork to back that up
Yeah the pics geno posted looks like the car. Same set up no back seats huge tubes. If this car is from the eastern shore I bet its the one from salisbury. It may at one time had 40k in it but its not even close to that now. Hell it doesn't even come with wheels may not even have a steering wheel.
Heres a great example. Here is my Sportsman Malibu, with an 8 second cert, built from scratch this roller was over 21k with me and Phil doing 80% of the labor. Thats NO engine/trans/fuel sys. etc. A walk in to a chassis shop on this particular chassis would easily be 35k"ish"












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