Christmas Party Date Changed to the 6th of Dec


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
I've received a few PM asking if the Christmas Party could be changed to the 6th instead of the 13th.

After checking with Joey and a few other members I've decided to change the date to the 6th.

Personally it will affect me as I have a Track meet to attend that day. I should be done by noon and be on the road shortly after the meet.
Woot... I just went over my whole schedule and checked everything...

It looks like I might be able to make it now, if I hand in a paper early and get my :q:q:q:q done I can leave Friday by 5 pm and drive straight down... Just have to get back to MN by mid day Sunday.
OK, I found an Itenerary that will work for me. JOEY, if you would answer your phone I would like to talk to you about some transportation. :D

When is everyone showing up? how many on friday the 5th? how many on sat the 6th? who is having breakfast on sat at kopper? who is just meeting up at volo? who will be in town on Friday?
ok heres my plan id say around 3ish we meet at volo maybe head to joeys around 5ish? i know it seems a lil early to hit joeys but i dont wanna start volo too late and im not sure how much time we can kill at volo, and i think 2 hours walking very slow should be ok. if ANYONE has any better ideas on times feel free to throw in your $0.02
heres my info from the other thread
Ill be show up to the breakfast on sat but thats about it

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