Dedicated LVC Member
Yeah, I'm gonna model it after your car.
Wow, I never once called it a sports car, but yea it would and does beat the balls of your LS or Mark.
And Frogman your garage would not impress me at all sorry to bust your nuts. Did you see my garage in the background and notice it is bigger than your house.
And you can see my supercharged 350z in the background as well.
As for the color scheme it was originally an all black exterior with the ORANGE(not yellow) and black interior. The paint scheme was put on for free and the car has been issued in a few mags(not to mention 2 of my mustangs sitting in the garage that have been in fast fords and mustangs. Which one made the cover uhmm(not trying to brag or anything) and the SRT has been used for several other things as well.
As for the engine spinning a bearing, I don't know how because the car has always been babied, just :q:q:q:qty luck.
Ford builds POS trannys and I would knoe because many mustangs that come into the shop have blown tranny's.
And just because Lambo doors were first on a Lambo doesn't mean you can't add them somewhere else.
That would been no performance mods on your car due to the fact it is not considered a sports car.
Some of you guys should really think before you speak, unless you are just talking out your ass and that is truly just :q:q:q:q I hear.
But Frogman your whole garage couldn't compare to the 2 cars I have in my home garage and I would bet all my cars against it.
And as for tools and other things don't try it. How do you think I run my buisness, with no tools or lifts?
What car magazines was the 300c featured in? Which issues?
Which magazines were your Mustangs featured in? Do you mean Muscle Mustangs and Fast Fords? (MM&FF) Which issues?
I will get the issue numbers for you.
And kustomkid, I would never take that bet back, trust me on that one. I know my collection and hoe extensive it is.
You can't judge a collection on one car,
not everyone likes the same thing.
I think Marks look like :q:q:q:q no matter what you do to them, but that is my opinion.
Others might think the car is tacky, but most people on here talking :q:q:q:q can't afford the car let alone the mods that are done to it. Envy always brings jealousy.
Not trying hard to sell it on here at all,
Like I said previously if you can read, I posted on here more so people can check it out.
And most members can't afford this car on here and I'm not trying to be prejudice, But I have seen a lot of people on here saying they keep their Marks or LS cause they can't get a good trade in on it or it is all they could afford. If I really wanted to sell the car I could sell for 10 bucks, I own the car outright and don't owe a dime on it.
I moved out when I was 19
and sorry I don't rent :q:q:q:q I own my house and my condo
Like I said before ENVY BRINGS JEALOUSY.
Not to mention most guys on here think they are the first to mod a Mark or throw a turbo on a LS.
There is way more to this world than just this website when it comes to cars. I even posted a supercharged LS on here, not my work, but I did find and everyone on here was dogging the car.
Jealousy is a bitch.
NYC good luck with your SRT-8, I think its time for you to move on, just like many other members have.
Thiswebsite has become complete trash and filled with mostly idiots.
It's a shame when a new member that is unfamiliar with this site asks a question and you guys make fun of him instead of helping.
This is the website I believe.
Kustom, I have been on here for over a year and never tried to talk myself up, there is a reason I don't post my cars and a lot of other things up on here. partly because gay bastards like yourself wanna talk cock when i'm talking cars.
Is Canada even a real country? All pussies up there I hear hiding behind the US. Your country doesn't even have balls so until you grow a set keep your mouth shut.
And no where near a midlife crisis. If you notice the cars is an 06 which means I bought it when I was 25 when I bought it.
Did you see my garage in the background and notice it is bigger than your house. And you can see my supercharged 350z in the background as well. As for the color scheme it was originally an all black exterior with the ORANGE(not yellow) and black interior. The paint scheme was put on for free and the car has been issued in a few mags(not to mention 2 of my mustangs sitting in the garage that have been in fast fords and mustangs. Which one made the cover uhmm(not trying to brag or anything) and the SRT has been used for several other things as well.
You lying scumbag rat bastard!
Looks like its a business to me ass hole! And its probably the one that put that paint scheme on jerk seeing how it appears they are doing body work to other vehicles like that OTHER PERSONS Z! Now, you said specifically that you knew of someone selling a 300 in a previous post but now you act as if its yours.
just another redneck collection.
Yea Jwerner it is my buisness you scumbag, It is in Keyport new jersey, When I post the Mags I told you guys about I will also take a close up pic of the sign there, It says Dawns auto on it douchebag. And I neve said I live in perth amboy, I said it was close, I live in Old Bridge. The 300,000 dollar condo is a 1 bedroom 600 sq ft condo not a house, Anyone that knows about LBI knows a house there starts around 800,000 for a 2 bedroom. I don't need a 4000 sq ft house that cost over 600,000 and an 800,000 dollar beach house. Besides I also own that buisness in the background, I see there are a bunch of genius's on here and know all about my life and where and what I do with my cars. As for Frogman, send me a pic of your black card and then we can talk ok. You live in phoniex, I own 44 acres of property in phoniex, I got a great deal on it when I was 18, Think I paid a whopping 5 grand for it. You know what a 50 x 100 lot costs where I live? Try about 150,000. Anf Frogman you have way to much free time on your hands to post and repost quote after quote, I stopped after the 3rd post and all your nonsense, you were giving me a headache. And you know the beast part? By now you will have read all of this, and I still know what I have and that my buisness is booming and due to some legal issues I can't comment on every single thing said on here and I also don't need a bunch of idiots on here giving my buisness a bad name. But Frogman you are shooting dead in the water. I already seen pics of your garage, not impressed at all, just another redneck collection.
I was just in cherry hill yesterday, I actually live at exit 11 on the nj turnpike. I definately want those though, shouldnt be to much to ship here.
When I post the Mags I told you guys about I will also take a close up pic of the sign there,
The 300,000 dollar condo is a 1 bedroom 600 sq ft condo not a house,
Besides I also own that buisness in the background, I see there are a bunch of genius's on here and know all about my life and where and what I do with my cars.
As for Frogman, send me a pic of your black card and then we can talk ok.
You live in phoniex,
I own 44 acres of property in phoniex, I got a great deal on it when I was 18, Think I paid a whopping 5 grand for it.
Anf Frogman you have way to much free time on your hands to post and repost quote after quote, I stopped after the 3rd post and all your nonsense, you were giving me a headache.
And you know the beast part?
By now you will have read all of this, and I still know what I have and that my buisness is booming
and due to some legal issues I can't comment on every single thing said on here
and I also don't need a bunch of idiots on here giving my buisness a bad name.
But Frogman you are shooting dead in the water. I already seen pics of your garage, not impressed at all, just another redneck collection.
And the feud continues
I refuse to do real battle of wits with an unarmed person like that guy.