Clean 98 Mark


Well-Known LVC Member
Nov 7, 2005
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I'm looking at a local 98 lsc, But it looks like the front end had some body work done, What you guys think????


or it could have been some cosmetic issue with the paint. however he could have had it re-sprayed and it did not match properly. you never know!
Could be the little hood "bumpers" are not adjusted properly. The one on the right side of the car could be a little high...or the left a little low.
I am just wondering, would you guys buy a car that has been in an accident but was fix at the dealership? My Town car has been so I am just wondering. What do you think from this picture, does it look accidental?
The car in question has definately been painted at some time. But just because it was painted doesnt mean it has been in an accident. How are the fender to door gaps? The hood can be ajusted to make up fot the bad flushness gap it has.
I'm looking at a local 98 lsc, But it looks like the front end had some body work done, What you guys think????

HEY HOTTIE....nice find depending, on price, mlg and condition.

Only one problem, its have a black one, you will not like it, well, not as much (how can you not absolutely love any Lincoln! lol).

I went from blue:loved it, to white:hated it,
to black:Breakin Necks, SMOKING HOTTTT!!!

Trust me on this one Hottie, drive it around for a few hours, you will feel what Im sayin!


Ok Ok not "white" but the opalpearlesence (sp)
Looks like the bumper was replaced with a darker one and they didn't prime it the correct way, that is why it is darker. if they used the correct method (which is lite primer color to bring out the White) looks like the had either a black or a blue under it and just sanded and painted it. But that's IMO
My car's rear bumper and driver side qaurter had been repainted and its slightly darker than the rest of the car. I just found out a couple weeks ago as to why it was repainted. I guess the trans was screwed up and it would pop out of park.... So one day it was sitting in the previous owner's driveway, came out of park, rolled down the driveway and slammed into the neighbor's car that was parked directly behind the driveway.
Like FreeFaller said maybe just the hood stops need adjusting. It is hard to tell about the paint in the pictures........ Shadows

Mark0101 LOOKs good in the pictures

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