Clean MAF sensor


Well-Known LVC Member
Apr 13, 2006
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In my previous cars i clean my MAF with brake cleaner and a qtip gently. i never did it to the LS(always scared sumthin will mess up even more). so i was wondering is it ok to clean it. i took it out and one side was black and dirty turned it around and the other side was clean as a whistle.

any input would be appreciated

thanx in advance!
I've used electronics cleaner. Sprayed the MAF with it and it still works.
I wouldn't physically touch it to clean it.
Most people say to use electrical contact cleaner because it won't leave a residue, but I always use carb cleaner for cleaning Ford MAFs. I get much better results with it, and I've never seen any indication of it leaving a residue.
Most people say to use electrical contact cleaner because it won't leave a residue, but I always use carb cleaner for cleaning Ford MAFs. I get much better results with it, and I've never seen any indication of it leaving a residue.
Be careful with carb cleaner. The LS has a coating on the throttle body; if you get the wrong cleaner up there, it could damage that coating. (There's actually a warning not to clean the TB because of the coating.)
The LS has a coating on the throttle body; if you get the wrong cleaner up there, it could damage that coating.
All throttle bodies have that. Its an anti-corrosive coating to keep the aluminum from oxidizing and screwing up the mating surface between the bore and the throttle plate.
You can clean it with carb/throttle body cleaner or intake system cleaner, which is safe enough that it wont eat away the caoting. Using something like paint thinner, mineral spirits, acetone, brake cleaner, or pretty much any alcohol based cleaner will probably take off the coating though.
Location of MAF sensor 2001 lincoln ls

Does anyone know if the Mass Air Filter Sensor is easily accessible and where under the hood its located. I am going to try cleaning that first before I bring it in. Thanks I have a 2001 lincoln ls. Just had valve covers, spark plugs, spark plug boots all change and check engine light came back on the next day.
why did the CEL came on?
OBD2 shows a code that you look up to see what triggered the CEL

Autozone can check it for free

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