Its been many months since I wrote about the air ride that went flat. My mk8 is sitting next to my garage on its frame. A ford tech told me there is a way to disconnect one of the air lines to allow me to inflate all the air ride temporarly so I can get to a garage I know. Also I read there was a ford scanner I saw on you tube a guy had to find the fault in his mk 8. It was also sold on e bay. anyone remember its name.? Instructions are appreciated/ The scanner has air ride Intelligence built into it. Is called the rotunda super star 2 and it can locate the electronic air ride problems is the hardware bags, struts compresor are not broken..Where can my air compressor 4 gal 125 psi,. tap into the marks air inlet .?Raise the car up enough to get it to a shop? Now why can't I get a reply out of this "help" place
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