XLR you're a douchebag.
I didn't say my 311hp car couldn't beat a 305hp car, I said the Mach was stronger in the upper RPM's. So are you actually insinuating that a 6hp difference automatically means a car should be faster? The mach has a 4v engine which has different flow characteristics than a 2v you jackass! So it is stronger in the upper RPM's. You obviously know a lot less than your think if you weren't privy to that information.
You can call me a ricer all you want, at least I'm not some jackass internet tough guy that acts like a tough guy on the internet to everyone. Go back through this sites history and you'll easily so a number of people calling you out on being a hardass. It's easy for everyone to be a hardass on the computer...I guess that makes you feel like a big man. Inferiority complexes are always a bitch to deal with but thank you for showing us how people with those complexes deal with their issues.
Again me becoming a lawyer gets dragged into my thread about asking people if they would like to go to a track to drag race. Sounds like you're jealous that in a few years I'll be making fistfuls of cash, meanwhile you'll still be getting off on trying to start internet brawls because it makes you feel like a big man.
I guess I should race like you....as you say "one of the big boys". Would that include running a perfect tree .00 rt? Because I've done that before multiple times, have you Mr. professional racer?
OH and I NEVER RACED A MACH 1 YOU F'N JACKASS! READ WHAT I WROTE! You have serious comprehension problems, which explains why you always start :q:q:q:q with people. You get your panties in a bunch because you are to much of a moron to actually comprehend or retain what you are reading.
I said I considered trading in my GT for a MACH 1, but mine felt faster out of the hole. See one with comprehension skills would have came to the conclusion that if I said it "felt" faster in the upper RPM's , that would insinuate I drove the car. If I said I considered trading it in, and I said it felt faster in the RPM's one with superior intellect which you clearly don't have should have came to the conclusion I probably test drove a MACH 1. So I didn't lose to a MACH 1 there champ.
Another thing, why don't you learn how to use the multi-quote function jackass....or is your mind too feeble to figure that out too? I know...I know trying to comprehend things, retain fragments of sentences and utilize multi-quote functions is probably a complete mind f*ck for you.