Climate control overheat


LVC Member
Jan 4, 2008
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Kansas City
So, I did some searching and read a lot of threads mostly having to do with one side of the car being hotter than the other. The problem I have is when I set my climate control to like 70 degrees, after a while my car continues to blow really hot air, like it doesn't realize it has gotten hot already. So although it 30 degrees outside my car is a gets to a very uncomfortable like 90 degrees inside. Any ideas before I have to send it back into the shop again?
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The same thing happened to me a few months ago. I could look through my records to try and figure out what they did. But they fixed it. Thank goodness for the aftermarket warranty.
Alright back to the shop it is, yeah I couldnt imagine having this car without the aftermarket warranty
yeah, that warranty paid for itself in the first 6 months!! I had a warranty for my F150, too. That one paid for itself. Maybe I need to rethink this "Ford" love affair. My wife's old Nissan and now BMW have had zero issues...

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