I hate to bring up and old thread, but figured it was better then starting a new one, so here it goes.
I went to race my brothers v6 mustang today after changing the transmission fluid in my 5 speed and had a problem with my clutch, or at least I think i did and want some advice from people with LS 5 speed manual experience.
I started out by doing to burn outs. First one roasted the right tire, second roasted the left. I felt like I was ready to race with both tires warmed up. I revved to about 3k rpm or so for launch and we went. I let the clutch out somewhat slow giving it most of the throttle and then let the clutch out all the way then floored it all the way. When going something didn't feel right, like I was weighted down so I looked at my speedo and tach and an alarm went off in my head. The tach was at 7k rpm but the speedo only said 25. I shifted to second, same thing. I let off and rolling about 30 mph tested my clutch and it felt fine and the tranny shifted then I finally smelled the clutch. It didn't smell too bad but it was definitely clutch.
I rolled across the finish line at about 40mph, whooo
I slowly drive back to the starting line(BTW I was at the local AG airport) and told my brother what I thought had happened. I let the car idle for a few minutes when we talked about it and I tried to launch again at 2k rpm to see if it would do it again and it didn't. So we raced again launching at 2k and we won.
My question is is my launch procedure bad, or is my clutch going out? The clutch has never given me problems before this.
P.S. sorry for the long read, I felt like I should be clear in what had happened for better understanding.