Coil Help!!!


LVC Member
Aug 13, 2008
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I am sure that some of you guys have already dealt with this issue and I could use some advice..
2002 LSE V8 3.9

I had the check engine light come on a while back hitting for a mis fire in cylinder 1 and 4 along with the mis fire feeling coming from the motor...

Digging into it I found I had a leak in the spark plug wells on both sides....
I changed all gaskets and O rings along with spark plugs and 2 coils (1 and 4)... Problem solved so I thought?

Well it started up fine and ran fine for a bit. The check engine light went away but all of a sudden I began to get the mis-fire blurps from the motor again. (just the way it feel while sitting in the car LOL)

I would assume since this only begins to happen once the car has been running and has been driven for a while that the older coils heat up a bit and begin to not work proper?

Let me know your ideas as I think I am about to change out the remaining coils.... Thanks guys
The general rule of thumb seems to be that if one goes, replace all 8.
After reading the other post I would agree.... Without an engine light code I dont want to spend the extra time testing to find the bad.... Thanks for you insight...

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