Okay I'm pretty sure it's time to have some of my coils replaced. I have a little over 93k miles on my 2004 VS so I'm pretty sure I just make it with the warranty (I hope) but how do I go about doing this? Do I just go to the dealer and ask for a stress test and have them change the coils? First off how much would a stress test be? My car stutters at like a stop light or upon start up and Ive read somewhere before that If that happened its most likely the coils. Also, I saw something about Ford dealers doing a special called The Works like oil change, expecting etc. for only about $30. Is this a scam? Has anyone had it done? Do they do anything similar where they can check like..everything in my car to make sure it's running smoothly? Alsooo, I think I'm having an issue with my breaks. They are extremely squeaky! I recently went to my mechanic to have it checked out but he said they have plenty of life and that there was just a little dust/rust on them that he cleaned off. Yet they are still squeaky when I come to a stop. I know some new breaks are squeaky once you get them but this has been going on for weeks now, maybe even a couple months. I need to know what's going on. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thank you!