Cold weather window tinting?


Well-Known LVC Member
Jan 29, 2009
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southern mn
Has anyone had any luck doing this during the colder months? My winter truck could use some. It's kind of a beater so it doesn't got to be perfect.
I've had them done professionally in the winter. It has to be done indoors, but instead of not rolling the windows down for 3 days, they say to wait 5.
the soap mixed with water used to put the tint on lowers the freezing point of the water by a good amount, as long as the water doesn't freeze it will be fine. as mentioned above, it will take longer to dry and it has to be done indoors (somebody would have to be crazy to tint out in the snow and sh!t)
I really want the windows tinted on my LS, but I've waited too long. Its cold up here, single digits and maybe below zero tonight. So, without a heated garage, should I wait until its warm again?
I would recommend waiting, or take it to a professional shop and pay for it to be done. With the amount of work (and whatever cost of tint you have) you're going to put into it, there are enough variables to mess it up WITHOUT adding in the cold weather factor.

So, if I get my windows professionally tinted, would the car be ok sitting out in the cold? I don't have a warm place to park my car.
if the small amount of water left unsqueegeed out could freeze if cold enough, water is weird when it freezes the way that it traps or creates air inside of it, thats why it expands when it freezes unlike just about every other liquid that becomes more dense when converting from liquid to solid. as said before, the soap will lower the point that the water will freeze, but will it lower it enough?

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