communist goals-congressional record January 10, 1963

Blah blah blah I have no facts to support my statements, but I am going to repeatedly say you don't know what you are talking about without giving any type of proof or justification

Fixed your post for you.
Yeah, but can you do a coil conversion on a Mark VIII by yourself in a garage only 12 feet wide with no power tools? ;)

I am a girl - I would need power tools... and someone to help me compress the springs, because even with a spring compressor I doubt if I have the 'muscle' for that little job.

But - it sounds like you have completed that task foss - good for you - in my opinion - bags suck.

Oh, and you've got me when it comes to abstract art. :D

And you have me for instantaneously quoting the Bible... I had to do a lot of memorization of it in elementary school - but wow - you are good foss. ;)
I am a girl - I would need power tools... and someone to help me compress the springs, because even with a spring compressor I doubt if I have the 'muscle' for that little job.

But - it sounds like you have completed that task foss - good for you - in my opinion - bags suck. ;)
I agree with you about the bags - and yes I did it without power tools - and I'll never do it again if I can help it. Power tools are teh winz. ;)

As far as the springs - I didn't have a compressor. I had to take off the lower control arms. Yuck.

I work hard - you work smart.

*goes to Lowe's to buy more power tools*
I thought you were just repeating yourself.

No, just summarizing what you said so that the thread would be easier to follow, since you seem to believe you have a monopoly on all knowledge. Funny how you claim to be an expert on everything I talk about, then tell me I am wrong without any reasoning or factual basis, then say that I am claiming expertise on a subject that I, according to you, have never studied...

The above post was made by a LvC member that has been branded a “LIBERAL TROLL” by the “Established Members” of the LvC Politics & Current Events Forum (P&CEF). The content of the above post is exclusively that of the “LIBERAL TROLL” and in no way reflects the opinions of the “Established Members” and in fact, is subject to the following actions by the “Established Members”: Ridicule, dismissal, ad hominem personal attacks, misconstrue, misdirection, projection, rejection, censorship, fact-free criticism, and flat-out talking bad about his mother.

Other LvC P&CEF members are free to, and are in fact encourage to establishing “street-cred” by joining the “Established Members” in their participation of the above actions. Your participation in piling on this and all other “LIBERAL TROLLS” will be rewarded with 24/7 online moral support by the “Established Members” and like-minded LvC P&CEF moderators. If you don’t agree with something that this, or any other “LIBERAL TROLL” posts regardless of factual basis used, merely notify one of the LvC P&CEF moderators and they will promptly edit or delete offending post as appropriate. We, the “Established Members” of the LvC P&CEF strive for political unity on this forum and will stop at nothing to purge all “LIBERAL TROLLs” to achieve that goal.
I am not saying "never" but in appropriate contexts. Looking to discern the truth about an historical figure's views is not the appropriate place for intellectual "experimentation" but for intellectual humility.
I think that perhaps you and I are looking at that thread differently... the meat of my argument came with this...
Our rights are not given to us by some deity, our rights are ours, within ourselves we find those rights. We are endowed with those rights because we are human, not because of a judeo christian God. If our rights are given to us by anything other than what we find within ourselves, then it is no different than saying our rights stem from a monarch. We just place the onus higher up... It is why Jefferson originally left out 'creator' and was forced later to add it to the DOI.

How to move us in that direction during the time of the revolution - by not using 'God' as the 'endower' of rights, but by using the more generic 'Creator'. And by the time of the constitution, those rights had become ours, with no mention of any deity. We need to embrace those rights, because they are ours, not because something else gave them to us. "Our rights" - that is what laws of reason and nature dictated when they evolved those many years from Locke to Constitution, not just our "God-given rights". The founding fathers built beyond Locke and his restrictions to God... they went from 'Creator' to no mention of God at all in our binding constitution. They evolved.​
There is where the 'brave new world' idea comes from - the founding fathers were moving quickly away from having rights come from 'anywhere' other than our human condition. As soon as you get an outside source involved, those rights start to be able to be manipulated, whether from government or church, or whatever. Unless they are inalienable upon themselves, then they run the risk of being perjured and changed by others.

I think Jefferson believed rights came from God, personally, there are plenty of quotes that would indicate this. But I also think that he wanted to remove the diety aspect - to remove any possibility of manipulation or the ability to infringe on those rights, by making sure, that most importantly, those rights were inherent to us. By fighting (and losing) the battle when writing the DOI - the 'official' document - to leave the word 'creator' out - I think it shows what he wanted for the foundation to be built on. He really, really wanted to just have rights be derived from the human condition.

And definitions are no place for experimentation as changing those only serves to confuse and hinder both discourse and wisdom. As William Godwin put it, "Accuracy of language is the indispensable prerequisite of sound knowledge."

You are right there, but you also have to take into account previous usage of terms and words... current day usage can often be quite different than historical usage. And you also have to take into account who is using the term, and to what audience. Hooker is going to have a lot different meaning when you are standing on a street corner at 2:00 in the morning than it will around a rug hooking circle attending by little old ladies in a local church.

Tradition contains within it a certain wisdom derived from the trial and error of countless generations; from experience of our ancestors. That doesn't mean that tradition is eternal or should be treated as such, but there is an inherent wisdom in there that mere articulated rationality cannot touch and it would be foolish to discount that out of hand. it...

Yes it does - but how do we build - with that same 'trail and error'. I think it is more foolish to bind blindly to tradition, than to move awkwardly forward (one step back, a couple steps forward, another step back....). If we don't add to the fabric of history, but merely rely on those who were brave or foolish enough to just throw caution to the wind in our past, then we are stuck. We are our great, great, great.... more greats grand children's ancestors, and we owe them our ability to succeed or err. Erring is fine - you learn from your mistakes as well. We will be looked upon as being wise or perhaps foolish, if we succeed or fail. But both are preferable to being overlooked and to have never tried, irregardless of the outcome.

As to the Framers eschewing tradition, that is not accurate

Certainly they embraced ideas from the past, Locke et al - but the tradition of English Monarchy they just abandoned, in total, not just a series of steps - it was bye-bye monarchy, hello democracy. You have tradition to build on, but the key word is 'build'. You are changing that tradition, creating new ideas. Looking back to see what worked and didn't work is fine, but you better be looking ahead and saying to yourself, we can make this better. And scrapping the entire thing, and start with something new, isn't always wrong.
I agree with you about the bags - and yes I did it without power tools - and I'll never do it again if I can help it. Power tools are teh winz. ;)

As far as the springs - I didn't have a compressor. I had to take off the lower control arms. Yuck.

I work hard - you work smart.

*goes to Lowe's to buy more power tools*

One can never have too many power tools. :)

And yes, yuk, taking off the lower control arms - ouch - that is a lot of work.
No, just summarizing what you said so that the thread would be easier to follow, since you seem to believe you have a monopoly on all knowledge. Funny how you claim to be an expert on everything I talk about, then tell me I am wrong without any reasoning or factual basis, then say that I am claiming expertise on a subject that I, according to you, have never studied...
Cite some examples, then. So far you've done nothing to back up your statements. Cal's offered lots of evidence to back up his. Stop whining and start showing that you know what you're talking about.

I assume if Cal's wrong, you can easily show this to the rest of us.

And the 'monopoly on all knowledge' comment - How ironic. :bowrofl:
Cite some examples, then. So far you've done nothing to back up your statements. Cal's offered lots of evidence to back up his. Stop whining and start showing that you know what you're talking about.

I assume if Cal's wrong, you can easily show this to the rest of us.

And the 'monopoly on all knowledge' comment - How ironic. :bowrofl:

Why should I have to repost everything he said? Read the damn thread.

The above post was made by a LvC member that has been branded a “LIBERAL TROLL” by the “Established Members” of the LvC Politics & Current Events Forum (P&CEF). The content of the above post is exclusively that of the “LIBERAL TROLL” and in no way reflects the opinions of the “Established Members” and in fact, is subject to the following actions by the “Established Members”: Ridicule, dismissal, ad hominem personal attacks, misconstrue, misdirection, projection, rejection, censorship, fact-free criticism, and flat-out talking bad about his mother.

Other LvC P&CEF members are free to, and are in fact encourage to establishing “street-cred” by joining the “Established Members” in their participation of the above actions. Your participation in piling on this and all other “LIBERAL TROLLS” will be rewarded with 24/7 online moral support by the “Established Members” and like-minded LvC P&CEF moderators. If you don’t agree with something that this, or any other “LIBERAL TROLL” posts regardless of factual basis used, merely notify one of the LvC P&CEF moderators and they will promptly edit or delete offending post as appropriate. We, the “Established Members” of the LvC P&CEF strive for political unity on this forum and will stop at nothing to purge all “LIBERAL TROLLs” to achieve that goal.
Why should I have to repost everything he said? Read the damn thread.
Classic dodge - Shall we call this the "FIND Clause?"

You consistently waste space posting refusals to respond. It's humorous, especially in context with your incessant demands that everyone else back up their statements.
Funny how you claim to be an expert on everything I talk about, then tell me I am wrong without any reasoning or factual basis, then say that I am claiming expertise on a subject that I, according to you, have never studied...

That's absurd.
Most of what you say has to do with making excuses for why you don't need to actually support your position with facts, reason, or logic. I certainly don't present myself to be an expert in your excuses and semantics.
Classic dodge - Shall we call this the "FIND Clause?"

You consistently waste space posting refusals to respond. It's humorous, especially in context with your incessant demands that everyone else back up their statements.

When have you EVER backed up one of your statements about me? You could have gone right to post 47 in this very thread for an example. Full of him telling me that I didn't know what I was talking about and not citing a single fact or example.

You just post crap like this to drag on the thread so that anyone else reading it will be too lazy to read all of it and realize what an idiot you act like, or because you are hoping that I eventually quit so that you can "win" the argument. Like I have told you before, let me know when you are man enough to discuss a topic, instead of just resorting to your idiotic personal attacks.
When have you EVER backed up one of your statements about me? You could have gone right to post 47 in this very thread for an example. Full of him telling me that I didn't know what I was talking about and not citing a single fact or example.

You just post crap like this to drag on the thread so that anyone else reading it will be too lazy to read all of it and realize what an idiot you act like, or because you are hoping that I eventually quit so that you can "win" the argument. Like I have told you before, let me know when you are man enough to discuss a topic, instead of just resorting to your idiotic personal attacks.
Right back at you, champ. Once again you waste a post complaining instead of engaging in the topic. Par for the course.

As far as insults - you have and will always have absolutely no room to talk whatsoever, from now until eternity. You routinely get on here and immediately start calling people retarded without provocation. So don't EVER whine about insults, jerkoff.

As far as Cal saying what he said, you are free (as I've already said in this thread) to show him he's wrong. If he is, you should have little trouble doing so. However, all you've done so far is whine and stomp your feet and demand that we just Respect Your Authoritah.

...I'd love to learn something new about Islam and the history of the Muslim religion.
I'm not entrenched in any position, you've just failed to bring ANYTHING, let alone anything new, to the discussion- except excuses stating why you have no reason to provide anything.

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