Speed Bump
Are they the thick handle or thin? If there both thick I would use the one with out a counter weight.
OK, which of these handles is correct? One of them is off a '94 Continental with a V6 and the other is off a '96. The '96 has the stud thing. That's just grease on the white one. Chances are either one will work. I will send you one and keep the other for myself because my handle is acting up.
For the love of God how do you get these out without damaging the linkage or the door skin? I could not get the linkage to pop out at the bottom and had to force the handle out of the door and then disconnect the top of the linkage. The door lock was a pain too. I hope you didn't want the lock, but note that there is a difference between the two where the lock goes.
I'm still lost. You make it sound easy. When you say "the handle itself" Do you mean not the frame? If so, simply removing the weight would not be enough to remove the handle itself. It looks like I would need to remove the clips from both ends and push the pins out. Wouldn't that also be difficult to do while removing the handle from the car? Both were hard to remove, the counterweight one was just a little worse.
I'd like to know the easy way so when I do mine I don't damage anything.
So anyways, yes the one handle is thicker. Would you like just the handle, or the whole assy, or the whole assy minus the counter weight? Or do you want the other one, handle only or handle and frame?