Confused on Interior Colors


New LVC Member
Dec 29, 2014
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I have a 2002 LS with interior color code 4H, which I know is medium parchment. However, my carpet and trim is darker than my seats and I'm confused if I should order medium dark parchment or dark parchment floor matts as I have found both factory new in the box on eBay. I'm just not sure how this two-tone

My second question is related, as I am missing the triangular LEFT window defroster piece from the top of the dash, and I am also unsure of the part number as well as the color (or they all the same?).

Help a new guy out!
Two options, you can search with your local scrap yards in hope of finding the correct color or you can take your VIN to your local Ford/Lincoln dealership and have them look up the correct part number. When they search using your VIN they'll get the correct part/color.

I still have a brand new one in a bag right here in front of me, which I obtained from the local dealership, it was cheap enough of a part and it ensured me I got the correct color (charcoal gray). I had also managed to locate a matching unit from a local pull-it yard so the used on went in the LS and saving the new purchased part as a back up.

Part number on the OEM ford bag reads: XW4Z-19E630-AAD description: VENT

Left or right "seems" irrelevant with respect to this part, it simply clips in when pressed down on either side.

Have your local dealer check which color code you need, I suspect the -AAD may be the color code but don't hold me to it.

OR: check with Tasca >> << plug in your VIN and search for same base number.

Best of luck.

Appreciate your help. I called the nearest Lincoln dealer (45 miles away-our local dealer is defunct), and with my VIN, found out that my seats as I stated are medium parchment, the floor mats were originally medium dark parchment, and the carpet is dark parchment. Still working on the color for the triangular vent, although the information that the left and right side are interchangeable, made things immensely simpler.
Again, thanks for the assistance.
Call them back, honestly, with your VIN, he will order you the correct color.
or get him to give you the correct p/n associated with your VIN and find one on eBay or Tasca.

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