Converting back to air suspension?


New LVC Member
Jul 28, 2018
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My Mark VIII has been converted to coil springs. Now both front coils have snapped and I am thinking of converting back to air suspension. Any thoughts of this and is there a parts list available, as to what is usually needed to be replaced?

Which air suspension brand would you recommend for quality?
My Mark VIII has been converted to coil springs. Now both front coils have snapped and I am thinking of converting back to air suspension. Any thoughts of this and is there a parts list available, as to what is usually needed to be replaced?

Which air suspension brand would you recommend for quality?
Arnott is the place to buy because they guarantee you parts for lifetime to the orginal purchaser. They sell everything except the front struts and I would buy them from a-zone . Neither place will give you a hard time . Best to buy from directly Arnott as the returns are easy. I just returned 500.00 of Mark * stuff. Arnott has real people answering phones. They make the air parts at this location. They sell worldwide. The extra you pay will keep you hassel free. A complete replacement from them is about 500. The front struts are the killers at 225 each from a zone
You may want to check to see what is still in place. Check all the strut locations for air lines. If they are wide-open, you may want to purge them out to clean them. See if the ride-height sensors are in place. Look for the compressor up front on passenger side. You will want to do some minimal testing of it. Location the suspension computer. If you are not getting any warnings, they probably cut a wire for it. They also maybe pulled the suspension fuse to further disable the compressor.

With any luck its all there and you just need struts. But I would expect compressor replacement also.

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