Alright, got the tank out but ran out of daylight. First thing I did was pop the windshield wipers off (2 nuts).
Remove the plastic windshield cowl.
Remove the 2 strut tower brace bolts.
Pull the air bleeder hose off of the side of the tank.
Unclamp the top hose going into the tank using some channel locks.
Wiggle the tank up.
Pray that your hose clamp is facing the right way on the bottom hose. If Ford used NORMAL hose clamps, this job would take 10 minutes.
If they used a half decent tank, this job would be avoided completely. If you cant reach this clamp, you can attempt to remove the clamp on the other end of the hose, by the back of the engine. Otherwise,
Remove clamp and carefully pull tank out of hose.
Reverse order to re-assemble. I'm going to pick up a normal hose clamp in the morning so that I can easily tighten the lower hose clamp with a screwdriver. There's just not enough room to get channel locks down on the bottom hose, especially with it so short.
Fill and bleed system per the tech article.
Drive until the next item breaks.