Cooling system---and plastic parts---thoughts and evaluation

Just put another brand new OEM degas bottle in it, why does everything have to be so complicated, like honestly what are you gaining?

New OEM degas bottle = DONE

What is he gaining? First, never having to replace the degas bottle again. Second, if he can pull it off in a cost effective manner,

"Stainless Degas bottle by Cammerfe Engineering!
Do away with having to replace your degas bottle on your Lincoln LS or Ford Thunderbird every 100K miles! This bottle is guaranteed to not crack, causing air to be sucked into your cooling system which will cause your car to overheat. And, it's been totally reengineered using data derived from using the AJ engine to break land speed records at the Bonneville Salt Flats! This bottle will never have to be replaced again, and only costs..."
I have now 'gone to the source' regarding the equipment used in all out race cars to accomplish what we've been talking about. The approach now is to use a closed system that's pressurized by a small line directly from the water pump. The 'bottle' is a simple 3.5" cylindrical item that's mounted in such a way that the open space at the top (above the coolant) acts as an air spring. There are no baffles at all inside. Instead of a 'radiator cap' there is a valve that makes it possible to pressurize the air. This eliminates all 'steam pockets'. Pressure is usually in the 30# to 60# range.

I'm going to play with the idea as part of the planned engine change.

The SS tank I mentioned above is, depending on the chosen length, in the $40-$50 range.

Cammer,you gotta have cooling parts that are made as strong as race car cooling parts.Most engines couldn't begin to handle 30+ lbs. They do that because they don't run antifreeze....they run water.That's the NASCAR way. don-ohio :)^)
The problem is the highest point in the engine is higher than the degas tank. You would have to mount the tank higher than the highest coolant passage point in the engine. That also includes the heated throttle body lines.
Careful eyeballing would seem to suggest that the degas bottle IS the highest point in the system.

Careful eyeballing would seem to suggest that the degas bottle IS the highest point in the system.


That's purely illusion then. If you pop off the engine fill cap, and add coolant to the degas right to the rim, you will always overflow at the engine fill (as you would do if you follow the proper fill method).

Also, your earlier post mentions venting at certain locations. By lowering the pressure in the cooling system, you're also lowering the boiling point of the coolant, thus creating more "air" in the system.
'Venting' into a pressurized vessel is not the same as venting to atmosphere. The system I've tried to explain above is the way it's done from NASCAR to F1. Provably it works.

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Part of doing this is to do away with all plastic in the cooling system.


If you could do this in an economical manner, you could make a nice little business out of selling those parts here, could probably charge 2 grand or more for a kit and folks would buy since they'd no longer have to worry about their cooling systems failing, aside from the standard rubber parts and the thermostat like on normal cars.
The cost to do a hybrid system---somewhere between the 'full-race' and factory---would undoubtedly be somewhat less than $100 unless I also supplied the hoses. That's cost for the parts and wouldn't include the cost to re-work the SS bottle. I'm going to do this sometime this summer.

The PIA about it is the total lack of working room in the engine compartment. I just bought a set of 18" long 'vice-grips' in order to be able to access the clamp on the hose-to-tube connection behind the driver's-side head.

All that'll be much easier while I have the engine out.

Why not just simply loosen the degas bottle cap? or Don-it and remove the gasket from the cap? That'd work!
No,I loosen the cap usually,BR. My brother took the gasket out on his wife's Taurus about 2 years problems. On the common older cars' radiator caps,yes,you must remove the bottom gasket,but leave the top gasket in place to seal to the radiator.don-ohio :)^)

Why not just simply loosen the degas bottle cap? or Don-it and remove the gasket from the cap? That'd work!
Yeah pardon me it's hard to keep all your 5W30 depressurized fairy tales stories straight these days!
On a good day I would actually care but at this point it's just plain ol pissing me off!!!
Bwahahahaaaaa! Take a pill,Bro! Your blood pressure's risin and we can't have you runnin over lil front wheel drives when you faint.LOL! don-ohio :)^)
Something wrong with the water in your town, I'm convinced of it!

Try and stay on subject ... FOCUS ... we were discussing how your 5W30, 60/40 mixture and loosening the degas cap would remedy cammerfe's desire to upgrade his degas bottle.
Oh,no..............he's gonna do what he wants...I can tell that. YOU'RE the one in POST # 36 that called me out. You call me out,you're gonna get me. don-ohio :)^)
Oh,and speaking of FAIRY TALES..........aren't you the one who runs 12K on an oil change? Thought I read that somewhere? That sure ain't no purist,BR. don-ohio :)^)

Yeah pardon me it's hard to keep all your 5W30 depressurized fairy tales stories straight these days!
On a good day I would actually care but at this point it's just plain ol pissing me off!!!
Oh,and speaking of FAIRY TALES..........aren't you the one who runs 12K on an oil change? Thought I read that somewhere? That sure ain't no purist,BR. don-ohio :)^)

My old 2000 V6 went 175K miles on a 10K-15K 5W/20 synthetic oil change interval. Just sold it and a quick look in the oil fill tube showed very little varnish and used no oil.
Oh,and speaking of FAIRY TALES..........aren't you the one who runs 12K on an oil change? Thought I read that somewhere? That sure ain't no purist,BR. don-ohio :)^)

Nope wasn't me, you must not READ very well. Stay on subject Don, don't deviate ... FOCUS!!! I change my oil when I'm good and ready but that's all irrelevant to this degas bottle discussion.
Seems like a lot of hostility and wandering off-topic has crept in?????


And now I see why. I was ignoring the hack fix until it was recommended to someone in another thread as a means to fix an already broken pipe
Oh,and speaking of FAIRY TALES..........aren't you the one who runs 12K on an oil change?

I do, and in all of the last three of my cars. sometimes I stretch it out to the full 15k, but most times I do swap it a little early.
Okay,it was you,Loud(SHAME on you for deviating from Ford's recommendation)...............I knew it was one of my antagonists.LOL! don-ohio

P.S.: I run 9-10K between changes,with a 5000 mile filter change in between. :)^)

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