Couple Questions About My Mark

Ok so tomorrow I'm planning on doing a temp exhaust fix. I'm going to cut the 3rd cat out and just connect the front to the back with two sections of straight pipe.

On that note, anyone have a measurement of how long the third cat is? If not I'll just measure tomorrow.

Second, are the stock pipes 2.25"?

Third, would i just need to buy 2 sections of the stock size and two short pieces a size smaller to insert induce the larger pipe then clamp? Never done exhaust before so i want to make sure i know how to connect pipes with clamps properly.
Had an adventurous day today...

Started off planning on just pulling the resonator off the engine cover and cap it. Then, pulled the airbox out and drilled holes in the front facing the headlights via a tutorial recommended on Lincolns Online. From there, decided to pull the wheel well cover apart and pull the silencer off too, why not. Never had the wheel well cover off before so started looking around at all the goodies and noticed the fuel filter was under there too so decided to change it out since I was already in the area. That turned into an adventure not knowing you needed a filter puller LOL. That was two trips for my wife to Autozone before she finally got the right one.

Went to a local junk yard that had a '94 dropped there less then a month ago. Wasn't torn apart too much. My driver side outer tail light (the small corner one) had a hole in it when I bought it. Found a REALLY nice replacement on the JY car so I pulled that. I should have took both since they were in such nice condition even though I didn't need both. Also picked up replacement passenger side power window switch and lock switch because the clips were broke on it from the previous owner and wouldn't sit in place. Lastly I grab a ton of the wheel well screws that hold everything down because there are like 3 holding each side down on mine.

While I was doing that, my brother was looking at a Thunderbird that had a nearly perfect matching Y section of exhaust (18" wide from outside first tip to outside of second tip while mine is 17" where we'd cut it). We unbolted that from the section and bought that too. Next weekend we plan on cutting my 3rd cat out, trimming that up and clamping that in place of it until I replace the entire exhaust probably next year. Bought a few reducers, some clamps and a piece of flex so we can use it to correct that 1" difference in width.

All and all, pretty productive day :) Had fun.
Don't want to create a whole new thread for this.

What is a good price for a set of Cobra rims?

I found a set on eBay that is local pickup only and it just happens to be right around the corner.

They're asking $450 for the set....
i think i paid 400 + shipping for my termi wheels.

These are $450, local pickup.

Really want them, but have other work to do that's not cosmetic. Was just curious.

Plus, a 95 GT 5.0 Mustang was dropped at the JY I go to today. Hoping to get out there Saturday and see if I can find anything good on it. Who knows, maybe the rims will still be on it.


Those bolt patterns and spacing match ours, right?
Looks like 5x108 is ours and 5x114.3 are these.

I'd need wheel adapters then?
Google "diesel dan hub swap" and follow the link to the thread on lincolns of distinction. His thread is super informative and tells you exactly what you need to do the swap with a bunch of pictures. He redrilled the rears instead of replacing the whole rear hub and bearing.
Quick question.

Just got some cree bulbs for my reverse lights. Went to take a before picture, had my wife put her in reverse lights (explains why I thought they were so dim LOL). Odd. Pulled the first bulb, tried the new Cree bulb....didn't work. Tried the second light socket....didn't work. Wiggled the wires and such but still nothing.

All tail lights, brake lights and turn signals work though. Any thoughts?
Going to check the wiring and fuses in the morning. Will post back if I can't figure anything out and seek further help.
Could be the reverse switch. Check to see if you have power at the light sockets with the car in reverse. If not and the fuses are good, more than likely the reverse switch.
I found something that made me curious.

The front marker light panel has the amber bulb and also a white 3157? bulb. What is the white bulb for? I turned on lights, flashers, reverse, etc and nothing lit them up even with new bulbs...
The small white corner light bulbs only illuminate when you have your headlights on and use your turn signal. Try it and you'll see.
Is there a way stop the "Check Exterior Lights" warning from coming on after installing the DDM HID kit? Normally I'd just ignore it and reset each time it pops up but my information dash buttons work rarely. Usually have to click them like 30 times before it actually clicks.

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