I know you're new to this, but the left has been hiring mobs and lobbyists all along. This isn't unusual.
And, perhaps you've been watching too much national news, but the anger at these town halls meetings IS NOT BEING FINANCED. Those are not political operatives showing up. Just like the "Tea Parties" weren't 'astroturf' financed organized events.
When you see things described as such, you're seeing two things:
1. Projection. The left routinely and historically relies on their rent a mobs. There actions are very heavily orchestrated, organized, and extremely well funded. They presume that the same must be happening now.
2. And they are trying to marginalize the people who are showing up. By dehumanizing them and their concerns.
Furthermore, the liberal elite in place like NY, D.C., LA and in the academic and leftist circles NEVER see traditional conservatives or hear them voice their opinions. It's foreign to them. Traditional American culture is foreign to them. Such a ground swell like the tea parties, like these town hall meetings, makes no sense to them. It must be orchestrated.
There are a bunch of us in this community who are active and informed with conservative and libertarian politics. I am among them. THIS IS NOT AN ASTROTURF movement. It is organic. And, with help from the internet, people who would otherwise feel silenced and intimidated by the dominant media culture, are finding out that they are the silent majority. They are communicating within their networks and organizing themselves.
The turn out isn't a GOP thing.
It sure as hell isn't about the insurance companies.
It's about stopping this creeping red nightmare called our federal government.
As for where the money comes from the leftist rent-a-mobs.
Some comes from tax payer money, funneled through "Community organizations" like ACORN.
Some of it comes from the unions. AFL-CIO, SEIU, ect- they take their forced dues and use it for political causes, often against the wishes (and best interest) of their members. And lastly, it comes from the big money "think thanks" and money laundering operations like the TIDES Foundation.