creaky front end


Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 14, 2005
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when i go over imperfections in the road, speed bumps, etc... my front end creaks.. its ANNOYING!

would that be a shock problem?

ive got a 99 with 63k on it.
It may be the hood. I'm not sure if the Town Car had this problem, but the Marauder, CV, and Grnd Marq did. I know mine did...

On your drivers side, grease the sides of the hood with some kind of paint-safe lubricant like vasoline or maybe wax. Also grease the adjacent area.

I've highlihgted the areas to grease up. I had the same problem you described: a creaky and annoying noise anytime the car went up or down, over bumps, or even if you pressed down on the hood a couple times. In the pics, I highlighted the areas so you get the idea of what to do...


youre a genius. i didnt lube the areas you said, but i did put a a few little sprays of silicone on the rubber parts that immediatly touch the inerside of the hood, raised the hood levelers and it stopped...
it was about to drive me to the cadillac dealership! thats even worse!

Do you have aim or yahoo messanger?
Nakoa said:
it was about to drive me to the cadillac dealership! thats even worse!

Do you have aim or yahoo messanger?

No AIM or Messenger, sorry...

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