so is god and the supernatural.
And so is science.
you need logic to have science.
But the reverse is NOT true. You do NOT need science to have logic. Therefore, your equating of science and logic is false.
you don't experiment on willy-nilly ideas.
That is precisely what science does. It takes "willy nilly ideas" as hypothesis to be tested and empirically verified.
Unfortunately, your materialist worldview operationally assumes that if something cannot be empirically verified, it does not exist. This rejects all deductive logic and misses a whole host of phenomena that do exist, like ideas, the mind, etc.
as i've said before. show me the evidence for it. something concrete.
Again, you are assuming materialism. You need to justify that assumption. Otherwise, this is nothing more then a loaded statement.
If something physical comes from nothing (which is what the Big Bang assumes) then, BY DEFINITION what every brought that something into existence would be TRANSCENDENT and would NOT have "something concrete" or empirical "evidence" to verify it. The ONLY way to verify it would be though DEDUCTIVE logic, which is another thing your loaded statement rejects.
If all you are going to do is try and turn this into a "heads-I-wing, tails-you-lose" situation to avoid any critique of your own notions, then you are not discussing things honestly and in good faith, thus wasting everyone's time here. If you are simply looking to win by default here, then you only undercut your own credibility.
Let’s be clear that “above” is your term, not mine. It is sadly the result of your philosophy acting as an interpretive lens through which you read the writings of others. I suggest you attempt to grasp my ideas rather than read your ideas and your philosophy into my words.
This is the biggest boundary to honest productive discourse and it applies to much more then theological discussion.
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