Credibility Poll


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
Final results were a tie. I actually expected Sparky to win just to make a point.

All I hope this proved is that we all have opinions and although most of us come down on either side of the ideological line, we should learn to listen and be respectful of each other.

No more taking personal pokes. It is not fun, for anyone.

Glad to see everyone came out of this alive.:D
Calabrio said:
Oh jeezz.....

The liberal wants a recount. Big surprise...:p

I know what I saw just before the poll disappeared.

You say you don't want any more pokes Bryan. How about setting yourself up as a good example. How about no more Kool-aid comments or attacking Liberals for their opinions. Can you do that?
I agree..something is fishy. I also saw the results prior to the poll coming down, and unless there were a deluge of votes in the waning moments, something fishy happened....You Republicans are adept at screwing around with vote counts, eh?
Yes, I voted and therefore it became a tie.

Had Fossten been ahead 1 vote, I would have voted and again it would have been a tie.

If it was a tie between both, Sparky would have got the vote.

Get it.

There are no winners and no losers. Just people with an opinion and a willingness to share.

You guys don't get it.

Everybody has an opinion. I certainly favor some opinions over others but I am willing to listen to all views, even though sometimes I'd like to slit my throat.

This turned out exactly as I'd hoped.

Call me Cheney. I guess I am the V.P. and according to many of you, Cheney runs the White House anyway. So in accordance with Senate policy, I cast the definitive vote. Live with it.

I certainly could have gone off on a tangent, doing some politicing for my favored party, attempting to gain votes, but that was not the point of the exercise.

The point was to stop the bitching back and forth. Show both guys that hey, take a step back, take a hit now and then, and get back into the game.

I feel we accomplished that although I must admit that the two parties went at it again today, so maybe not.:eek:

Humm. Barry vs MonsterMark.
Humm. Barry vs Vitas.
Humm. Barry vs Fossten.
Humm. Barry vs Calabrio.

Anybody notice a trend?;)
All it proved is that you can't be trusted to keep your word. Guess it turned out to be about your credibility. Lets see how long this remains a sticky.
Calabrio said:
Oh jeezz.....

The liberal wants a recount. Big surprise...:p

I'm curious, would you have posted this had you known that Bryan manipulated the data?

He clearly stated that he wasn't going to vote to keep the poll fair and impartial.:rolleyes: We can see how far that goes on this site.
barry2952 said:
All it proved is that you can't be trusted to keep your word. Guess it turned out to be about your credibility. Lets see how long this remains a sticky.

OMG. You're gonna whine about the fact that you asked me to take the poll down when it happened to be 1 vote in your favor at around 1:30pm. I could have left it up to Midnight to be really fair. And now you complain that I did vote afterall. Wasn't I entitled to a vote.

Man, I was just trying to make everybody happy.

Here is where the poll was last at for votes when it came down. Everyone agree?
Fossten: 3 votes
Barry: 4 votes
Sparky: 2 votes

If you are that desperate to declare yourself the winner, have at it. Makes me want to post it again so more guys can participate. In fact, I'm in a good mood, so let's do it.

Emailing, phone calling, get out the vote drives are all good by me. I've already started dialing.
Nothing negates the FACT that you said you weren't going to vote.

Your vote tally is BS, too. A couple of us were watching the tally and Sparky had two, Fossten had three votes and I had five. So, you've already tainted the new poll. Nice going Bryan.
barry2952 said:
Nothing negates the FACT that you said you weren't going to vote.

Your vote tally is BS, too. A couple of us were watching the tally and Sparky had two, Fossten had three votes and I had five. So, you've already tainted the new poll. Nice going Bryan.

Anybody else see 5 votes for Barry. I clearly didn't. If someone else did, chime in and we'll get him the extra vote. I'm not trying to manipulate anything. I'll make this fair and square, like I do with everything else on this forum.

But, the gloves are off. I'll be back this evening and get busy with the emails and phone calls.
So you admit that you intend to skew the numbers. Real fair, Mr. Administrator. Seems you have a credibility problem.

Wish I could stick around and garner support but I'm going to go enjoy our LCOC overnighter.
barry2952 said:
So you admit that you intend to skew the numbers. Real fair, Mr. Administrator. Seems you have a credibility problem.
Where did I say that I was going to skew the numbers?

I did insinuate that I was going to ask fellow LvC'ers to chime in and vote for Fossten. Now that is wrong too?

Credibility problem? Sheesh. I tried to end this peaceably with all sides winning but you clearly want this to be a winner take all so I am gonna see what I can do to make sure you come in 3rd. LMAO:D Fairly and squarely.

LvC doesn't stand for Lincolns vs Cadillacs...
It stands for Liberals vs Conservatives. Woot Woot!
Barry's just mad because he tried to vote twice and it didn't work. :bowrofl:

Stomp, stomp them little feet, barbie.
I see you conveniently left out the part where you said you weren't going to vote, just to make the poll fair and impartial.

No credibility. You should resign as moderator.
barry2952 said:
I see you conveniently left out the part where you said you weren't going to vote,

I see your memory is failing you. If you remember, the initial posts were 'destroyed' when I took down the poll. The thread was not sent to 'TRASH'. It was deleted. So I put back up the thread as it existed after pulling it down the second time and sending it to 'trash', thus saving it so we could all relive your whining and crying.

You want to make yourself look bad, more power to you.

I'd be happy to start a credibility poll on myself with transparent voting. (Everyone will see your user name and who you voted for if you want to play that game.) Alas, you will only cry and whine that somehow I manipulated that and changed whoever's screen name or whatnot. No satisfying a lib. Just like there is no satisfying Iran. They will lie, cheat and steal to get the bomb and then they will give it away or use. And the libs will be to blame for their appeasement once again.

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