Custom cobverter causing vibration?

I have a 10" 3500 stall TC from Lonnie no problems here. Also have an Xcal from him and am happy with the service I have gotten.

3200 isn't really much more than stock, go big or go home :D

I'm thinking of doing a 4000rpm or maybe 4200rpm 9.5 from Circle D....

I wouldn't go over 3200 with the stock gears on street driven car. Gears and stall go hand in hand when it come to driveability in a highly stalled car. The deeper the gears the more stall you can get away with. And IMHO 4000+ is to much for these cars without some decent mods.
KK will have 4.30 gears in his car "before" the stall goes in.
no worries there.
True rich but you were replying to brandon..(lol)

this could go ON and ON.
Lols.... I thought he (MarkVIII93) had 4.10's in his car???

I dunno... but I could swear he did...

As far as the converter in question Lonnie and MarkVIII93 will have to sort this out on their own as this is a matter concerning them and their own personal business, of which I am sure will be resolved in a professional manner.
In no way am I trying to scam BOC. But I've dealt with similar situations resulting in the part dealer not budging and screwing me. That statement was meant more so as a joke. But a little update.. I pulled the converter today.. There's no damage to my flex plate or mounting holes. The converter went in and came out with ease. I didn't get a chance to take a look at the pump stator or support today. The converter itself is not damaged but I'll have to pull the pump tomorrow and take a closer look. But like I said Im 99% sure the converter was fully seated. Thanks for the emails btw Lonnie.
The dimension from the pilot face on the converter to the face of the bell housing should be 7/16" to 9/16".


Just for clarification to future readers, I quoted that dimension from the manual. I actually had forgotten the dimension but knew there was one and had to look it up, AND I surmise that info is for a stock converter and wouldn't have a clue if it would be any different with a custom converter.
Thanks for the emails btw Lonnie.

That is the best way to handle a situation like this.
Leave the internet out of it.. handle it "man to man".

Lonnie is good people and should be able to get to the bottom of this rather quickly.
That is the best way to handle a situation like this.
Leave the internet out of it.. handle it "man to man".

Lonnie is good people and should be able to get to the bottom of this rather quickly.

I called him today at work after I put the stock converter in and the vibration still existed. He gave me some insight on what to check out. Tomorrow I'm going to run a dial indicator along the flex plate to check runout. I made mistake during install and the call to Lonnie got me thinking... The trans will come back out tomorrow. I will check runout on the flex plate and if possible center the flex plate out. I'm actually quite releived the converter is not the source of the vibration.
Wow, hope you get to the bottom of the problem.
I would be pissed pulling that trans out AGAIN.

Good luck
Wow, hope you get to the bottom of the problem.
I would be pissed pulling that trans out AGAIN.

Good luck

ehhh, takes me about 30 mins.. It's more strenuous pulling the exhaust considering it was welded as one big piece. If runout is excessive and I cannot reposition it, I will most likely order a new one from boc. I dont think I have one layin around at work and don't really feel like ordering one there.
Did you remove the flexplate from the crankshaft?

Just curious....

I did today. Im ordering a new one from BOC as of right now. During the original installation the plate was bent slightly(accidentally). The trans jack was accidentally released while only one dowel bolt was a few threads deep into the block and the bottom of the bell housing came down onto the flex plate. Sh1t happens. It's not as noticeable at the flex plate but its making the converter wobble quite severely. Basically the flex plate is bent and is distorting at higher engine speeds. I hooked up the EVA and there is a 1st order vibration along with a 4th order but it's quite obvious that vibration I am concerned with is the 1st order.
I was wondering how it would've gotten bent if that's what it was. Thanks for the explanation.
The new flex plate fixed the vibration...

That's good news and wraps up the a very bad last week,

I don't remember if I put a note in the package or not. I'll mail out your receipt when I get back. I'm on vacation and seen you placed the order for the flex plate in the thread, after I had left. Ended up spending hours trying to get access to my server from my laptop where I was staying to access your info. Then hit the local dealership up the part and found there was no local UPS store so I had to drive to the next town to ship it. Needless to say the kid wasn't too happy about me working again on our vacation. She's already pissed since this problem and 3 others all of which have been resolved last week delayed us from leaving for 4 days. The others were all also installation problems but I ended up having to prove it to them and trouble shoot for them or the shop.
That's good news and wraps up the a very bad last week,

I don't remember if I put a note in the package or not. I'll mail out your receipt when I get back. I'm on vacation and seen you placed the order for the flex plate in the thread, after I had left. Ended up spending hours trying to get access to my server from my laptop where I was staying to access your info. Then hit the local dealership up the part and found there was no local UPS store so I had to drive to the next town to ship it. Needless to say the kid wasn't too happy about me working again on our vacation. She's already pissed since this problem and 3 others all of which have been resolved last week delayed us from leaving for 4 days. The others were all also installation problems but I ended up having to prove it to them and trouble shoot for them or the shop.

I appreciate all of the help. Honestly. Great service.. You've won me over as a lifetime customer.
Hells Ya...

I think that the best three mods for a Mark in order are: Tune, Gears, Converter.... everything else is piddly compared to those three....

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