Mike, you rock!
Thanks for the PS jobs, you're gonna come in handy around here

. How do you like L vs C so far?
The ghost flame job is wicked, but I'm wondering how easy/difficult that'd be to paint? Anything that requires alot of extra work is going to cost alot of cash - and I'm only looking to spend about $2500 max, which is tax free (I know a guy).
Old Glory is out, it looks sharp - but I'm a Canuck.
Ghost flames - very nice, am going to give serious consideration, the light silver looks great. No sweat about the lack of metalic/pearl. I wonder what color to do the wheels with though (solid black?).
Orange/Red w/Silver 2 tone - beautiful, but I'm wondering if you could turn that orange into a Candy Red, with a bluish grey? I'm liking the idea of candy red wheels.
Flames? Nah, looks good in the picture, but can't imagine the work involved to paint that. Plus I'd start getting speeding tickets looking like that

Oh, I'd love chrome wheels, but am not willing to spend the money on them. Stockers repainted will have to do.
Thanks again for the work Mike!