?? Day at the Track Spring Midwest Meet ??? let's Discuss??

So what's going on here? Are we having the meet or not? It's a decent drive for me and I don't wanna be the only fool there.
for how many times they change the chances of it it doesn't sound like it can be decided yet, wait another night maybe then if it's still calling for snow then pull the plug and maybe we can reschedule sometime....gotta love the midwest
Weather here right now sux... big t-storms today through Friday. Right now looks like a mix is coming... Saturday they are saying snow. Sunday... in the 50's partly sunny... Maybe it will work it's way out.

Stay tuned to LvC for further Track Weather Coverage LOL...

We'll let everyone know on Friday what's up. It will give the weather people time to get things screwed up.
Jason and Patrick... you have the ball on this... as this was your hope for a meet at the track. Jason you know the track better than most if you feel that they will close the track due to weather and if you feel it's too risky for guys to travel hours to come to just have to turn around then let us know. Same with you Patrick. We'll find another time to get this done. If spring doesn't work there is always Fall for a good track day.
^^^ Well said. I've never ben to the track so I have no idea what to expect as far as when the weather turns bad. We'll stay tuned to the weather and l belive Friday would be a good deadline to let everyone know exactly what's going on.
Lets do something later when the weather is warm. This winter has to end some day... I saw snow for Saturday.
Well the cold should help out the times. It's the rain or snow.. And what Lake Michigan has to offer.

That Low pressure sytem is screwing everything up. Slow moving and by tomorrow should be on top of WI and by Sunday pulling things to the back of the low.

Last year I planned a Motorcycle meet with midwest members of my Motorcycle forum. A low moved in and camped right on top of us it put heavy rain from Boscobel to Madison and we were to meet in Dodgeville right in the middle. I felt bad for the guys who had come up the night before and camped.
If there is ANY precipitation more than a very light sprinkle then the track will close. Even if that very light sprinkle occurs for more than about 5 minutes then they will close also. It is too much of a safety issue for them to remain open with slick tracks when they have 1,000+ hp cars screaming down the 1/4. It looks like a good chance of rain/snow Saturday and if it is real cloudy then that might not dry up in time for Sunday. Sunday looks like 30% chance of precipitation and will be overcast by the time the track opens which would make for a gloomy track day. Just my thoughts, but it would probably be best to push this event back to a time that will allow for nicer weather.
From everyone who visits there often opinions, let's go ahead and reschedule the event for a better day. It's not like we all didn't try, mother nature didn't want to play right this time. I'd rather go ahead and call it for the simple fact that some people were going to be traveling from afar and need to know in advance of what the plan is. I want to personally apologize for it falling through but I feel we could still have a few meets at the track before our "official" meet.

Any ideas? Comments? Suggestions?
Probably the best idea. They won't call it till that day anyway and I doubt everyone wanted to drive there with the chance to just go home. 38-40 degree weather isn't the best weather to hang out anyway. We would all be in our cars keeping warm.

I'm open to a new date. I mentioned the June 8th as there is nothing going on that weekend there.
If there is ANY precipitation more than a very light sprinkle then the track will close. Even if that very light sprinkle occurs for more than about 5 minutes then they will close also. It is too much of a safety issue for them to remain open with slick tracks when they have 1,000+ hp cars screaming down the 1/4. It looks like a good chance of rain/snow Saturday and if it is real cloudy then that might not dry up in time for Sunday. Sunday looks like 30% chance of precipitation and will be overcast by the time the track opens which would make for a gloomy track day. Just my thoughts, but it would probably be best to push this event back to a time that will allow for nicer weather.

Very good thoughts...

I'm open to a new date. I mentioned the June 8th as there is nothing going on that weekend there.
June 8th sounds good to me. Who else would like to reschedule for that date? If not that date, though out some good dates.

Just pick the date if you set the date they will come. LOL... I've found that by just setting the date makes it a lot easier. Jason and Patrick if June 8th is good for you then set it as you two will be the core of what's happening. Those who can make it will come. We might lose a few but we can still salvage the meet. Just let me know and I'll put it on the calender and make a sign up for the meet.
It is official, you guys are fired from picking the dates. ;) I have to travel that damn weekend too! I will be gone for two weeks then. Oh well, Maine will not be too bad that time of year.

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