Debunking the Liberals from WMD to Terrorism

Look who flip-flops more than Kerry:
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Do you know the difference between "Bush" and "The Bush Administration"??

Apparently not. [Edit: Personal Attack]
Apparently you see no difference, but make up facts to fit your opinion of the day:
JohnnyBz00LS said:
[Edit: Personal attack]

blah blah blah...The FACT REMAINS that the BUSH ADMINISTRATION, all the way up TO George W. Bush himself was aware of this "flawed inteligence" PRIOR to the '03 SOTU address, yet he went on record in front of the entire country stating that un-truth. SELF- *owned*

JohnnyBz00LS said:
Can YOU read?

Originally Posted by JohnnyBz00LS
Sure, sure, technically BuSh didn't LIE..........

JohnnyBz00LS said:
Bottom line, the BuSh administration purpously ignored warnings that the intellegence of Iraq's WMDs was flawed then turned around and trotted it out in front of the public on stage as if it was fact. I don't care what YOU call it, it IS a LIE.
Fossten, resist the temptation to take statements out of context. I know old habits are hard to break, but there are 12-step programs that can help.

Do you know the meaning of "technically"?? Because you KNOW that if I had stated that "Bush Lied", you'd get all defensive and come back with "No he did not because he said the word "could"". So I stated the plain flat fact, acknowledging BuSh's clever use of weasle-wording like he ALWAYS does, and you guys rely on ALL THE TIME to defend him. Getting into a pissing match over weasle-words with simpletons is pointless. Your nit-picking my statements and alleging that I'm "flip-flopping" (not to mention my spelling) being a PERFECT example.

Word of advice: "Spiro Agnew" LOL.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Fossten, [Edit: Personal Attacks]
Do you know the meaning of "technically"?? Because you KNOW that if I had stated that "Bush Lied", you'd get all defensive and come back with "No he did not because he said the word "could"". So I stated the plain flat fact, acknowledging BuSh's clever use of weasle-wording like he ALWAYS does, and you guys rely on ALL THE TIME to defend him. Getting into a pissing match over weasle-words with simpletons is pointless. Your nit-picking my statements and alleging that I'm "flip-flopping" (not to mention my spelling) being a PERFECT example.

Word of advice: "Spiro Agnew" LOL.

You're attributing the argument of another poster to me. Get your facts straight. I never parsed the word 'could' like you parse the word 'technically' or like Clinton parsed the words 'is' and 'sexual relations' and 'harass' (which he thought was two separate words).

You're confused. You're not thinking straight. Wonder why that is? Maybe you should really try a 12-step program.
Originally Posted by stang99x
Thats easy. If a group of guys jump you (9/11), and you shoot the first bastard that you see and he happened to have been disarmed, what do you think the rest of them will do? Run and hide. Cower in the corner and pray you don't start blasting on them. We took out the easier target and got the attention of everyone else. Then you panty waisted pussees start causing a political ruckus and embolden them and they are starting to come back out of the woodwork. Here's to NK and Iran in 2008

Your argument is fatally flawed. Saddam was NOT one of the "guys that jumped us" on 9/11. Even GW BuSh admits that (see earlier post w/ his quote).

I'll save the panies around here the trouble this time, and just write:


What do you think the rest of them will do. As in, the rest of the guys who weren't there kicking the chit out of you. They see that you turned around and killed off one, and the rest run and cower. The point that I convey and you illiteratelly miss is that you make an example of one, and the others will learn. Liberals, can't live with'em, and its illegal to kill them:rolleyes:

Gee, just like fossten, you resort to personal attacks when you lose a debate. Don't follow his example or else you'll be lumped into the same right-winged-whacko, childish-kicker/screamer-when-he-can't-win sewer that hes in.

Did I ever claim that the BuSh administration said that IRAQ HAS NUKES?? NO. THIS is what I said in reference to those quotes:

You adamently claim that the WMD"s we found (just as does Deville) are not the ones we went looking for. Then you selectly quote things that hint at the fact that there might have been nukes. What else are you trying to convey?
stang99x said:
I'll save the panies around here the trouble this time, and just write:


What do you think the rest of them will do. As in, the rest of the guys who weren't there kicking the chit out of you. They see that you turned around and killed off one, and the rest run and cower. The point that I convey and you illiteratelly miss is that you make an example of one, and the others will learn. Liberals, can't live with'em, and its illegal to kill them:rolleyes: ?

Well then, WHY hasn't BuSh "made an example" out of Osama Bin Ladin, who by the way, WAS the "guy who jumped us" on 9/11. I'll tell you why, because it is BUSH who is the PANZY AZZ who is incapable of handling his buisness by kicking the crap out of the 9/11 attackers, and instead PUSSED-OUT by going after the wuss, weak-azzed, low-threat, Hussein instead. Instead of going after one of the 300-lb linebackers who just mugged GW BuSh, he turned around and punched the 98-lb weakling who watched the whole thing happen in the face (in an attempt to intimidate those other 300-lb linebackers?? :bowrofl: ). And you voted for this pussy?

Conservatives, all bark, NO bite.

stang99x said:
You adamently claim that the WMD"s we found (just as does Deville) are not the ones we went looking for. Then you selectly quote things that hint at the fact that there might have been nukes. What else are you trying to convey?

Real simple: The American people have been hood-winked by the BuSh administration, and those who continue to support that fake rational for going to war in Iraq are too stupid to wise up and see these facts.
stang99x said:
You adamently claim that the WMD"s we found (just as does Deville) are not the ones we went looking for. Then you selectly quote things that hint at the fact that there might have been nukes. What else are you trying to convey?

I claim absolutely nothing; I'm just repeating what the article states. How can you not understand that? I did not post the article and I had absolutely nothing to do with its writing. If you disagree, then you disagree with the person who wrote the article and you disagree with the person that the article quotes. Duh...

(Snippet from the article)
Offering the official administration response to FOX News, a senior Defense Department official (this would be the person you disagree with)pointed out that the chemical weapons were not in useable conditions.

"This does not reflect a capacity that was built up after 1991," the official said, adding the munitions "are not the WMDs this country and the rest of the world believed Iraq had, and not the WMDs for which this country went to war."(this would be the quote you disagree with)

I am not a senior Defense Department official nor did I ever come up with a statement like the one above; and I'm fairly certain Johnny didn't either.

As seen through the magic of Conservavision!

This does not reflect a capacity that was built up after 1991," the official said, adding the munitions "are not the WMDs this country and the rest of the world believed Iraq had, and not the WMDs for which this country went to war
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Well then, WHY hasn't BuSh "made an example" out of Osama Bin Ladin, who by the way, WAS the "guy who jumped us" on 9/11. I'll tell you why, because it is BUSH who is the PANZY AZZ who is incapable of handling his buisness by kicking the crap out of the 9/11 attackers, and instead PUSSED-OUT by going after the wuss, weak-azzed, low-threat, Hussein instead. Instead of going after one of the 300-lb linebackers who just mugged GW BuSh, he turned around and punched the 98-lb weakling who watched the whole thing happen in the face (in an attempt to intimidate those other 300-lb linebackers?? :bowrofl: ). And you voted for this pussy?

Conservatives, all bark, NO bite.

Real simple: The American people have been hood-winked by the BuSh administration, and those who continue to support that fake rational for going to war in Iraq are too stupid to wise up and see these facts.

Umm...just a couple of questions.

1. How many attacks on our soil since 9/11?
2. Who WAS the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq that BUSH just killed?
3. When's the last time bin Laden sent out a videotape?
4. Who's the panzy azz who wants to cut and run?
5. Who did you vote for?
Kerry (pussy)
6. Who's a pussy?
I claim absolutely nothing; I'm just repeating what the article states. How can you not understand that? I did not post the article and I had absolutely nothing to do with its writing. If you disagree, then you disagree with the person who wrote the article and you disagree with the person that the article quotes. Duh...

Then, simply explain to me why you selectively quote only these things (out of context most of the time) if you do not agree with, or intend to show that you believe in them?

Well then, WHY hasn't BuSh "made an example" out of Osama Bin Ladin, who by the way, WAS the "guy who jumped us" on 9/11. I'll tell you why, because it is BUSH who is the PANZY AZZ who is incapable of handling his buisness by kicking the crap out of the 9/11 attackers, and instead PUSSED-OUT by going after the wuss, weak-azzed, low-threat, Hussein instead. Instead of going after one of the 300-lb linebackers who just mugged GW BuSh, he turned around and punched the 98-lb weakling who watched the whole thing happen in the face (in an attempt to intimidate those other 300-lb linebackers?? ). And you voted for this pussy?

Conservatives, all bark, NO bite.

We (Bush and Co. which includes me) intend on making and example out of him. And as soon as you pussy whipped jerk-offs on the left quit whining about our methods and tactics we will. We are looking for a needle in a haystack, and you bastards have succeeded in nothing but slowing our progress. If you'd all shutup, sit back, and watch then we'd have been done by now. We started with some unfinished business (where we knew osama had been) made an example out of someone we should have already finished off, and are continuing our efforts amongst whiney assed bitching from the left. Bush, a pansy azz? Yeah, lets do the clintonian thing and lob a few cruise missles over there and accomplish nothing (read:bosnia) Lets do the other clintonian thing and when handed a terrorist named osama on a silver platter, say we don't want him. Or, lets do the Kerry thing and get scratched three times so we get three purple hearts and go home. Yeah, talk about your pansy asses. Your guys look like little schoolgirls in comparision.

Real simple: The American people have been hood-winked by the BuSh administration, and those who continue to support that fake rational for going to war in Iraq are too stupid to wise up and see these facts.

The absolute idioacracy of some people never ceases to amaze me. Have we been attacked on our soil since? No. WHy not you ask? Because we have shown that we will come over there and stomp a mudhole in your face when provoked. If we could do it without the screaming partisan BS from the left then it would be faster and easier, which would achieve the goal that the left doesn't want to see the right achieve, bringing the boys home. I am ready to see the troops come home. I have 7 good friends in Iraq right now. I'd rather have them home, yes indeed. As long as you ignorant blind fools on the left keep up your whiney chit and prolong this, my friends have to stay the course. My personal advice to the left is that you need to ease over to the bar and get a nice warm glass of STFU.:bash:
stang99x said:
Then, simply explain to me why you selectively quote only these things (out of context most of the time) if you do not agree with, or intend to show that you believe in them?

The title of this thread is 'Debunking the Liberals from WMD to Terrorism’; the article used to support this claim does in itself not support it. Two simple things the article stipulates.

1) These weapons are non-operational (though still lethal)

And the most important concerning the title and claim of the thread

2) NOT THE WEAPONS America thought Saddam had and NOT THE WEAPONS America went to war over.

The article clearly states those two points above all else, if anyone is taking anything out of context to support their claims it's you. You're welcome.

If you have another article that contradicts those two above facts, please feel free to post it and I will be happy to read it.
stang99x said:
Or, lets do the Kerry thing and get scratched three times so we get three purple hearts and go home. Yeah, talk about your pansy asses. Your guys look like little schoolgirls in comparision.

Or we could do what Bubya did and just go AWOL and have our rich, powerful and influential fathers bail us out later. I'm guessing George is about a size 36 waist, better special order that schoolgirl uniform. Unless of course you consider going AWOL a non-pansy move?
95DevilleNS said:
The title of this thread is 'Debunking the Liberals from WMD to Terrorism’; the article used to support this claim does in itself not support it. Two simple things the article stipulates.

1) These weapons are non-operational (though still lethal)

And the most important concerning the title and claim of the thread

2) NOT THE WEAPONS America thought Saddam had and NOT THE WEAPONS America went to war over.

The article clearly states those two points above all else, if anyone is taking anything out of context to support their claims it's you. You're welcome.

If you have another article that contradicts those two above facts, please feel free to post it and I will be happy to read it.

Wrong again. Obviously you DIDN'T bother to read the FIRST ARTICLE POSTED. Put your money where your mouth is instead of your foot. Go LOOK at the OPENING POST of this thread and then take your foot out of your mouth. The article you refer to wasn't the foundation for this thread, it was merely a recent development. No doubt it was the precursor to many more.

Once you've gotten your mama to read all those articles to you, get back to me.
fossten said:
Wrong again. Obviously you DIDN'T bother to read the FIRST ARTICLE POSTED. Put your money where your mouth is instead of your foot. Go LOOK at the OPENING POST of this thread and then take your foot out of your mouth. The article you refer to wasn't the foundation for this thread, it was merely a recent development. No doubt it was the precursor to many more.

Once you've gotten your mama to read all those articles to you, get back to me.

Is there an article I missed that contradicts 1) These weapons were non-op and 2) Not the WMDs we went to war for? If so, post it and explain why the the flip-flopp'n on this? Otherwise you're just flapping and bending in the wind as usual Mr. Scarecrow.

Johnny naild you dead on, when you lose a debate; this time due to your own article contradicting what you want to believe you turn into a nasty little kitty cat.
95DevilleNS said:
The title of this thread is 'Debunking the Liberals from WMD to Terrorism’; the article used to support this claim does in itself not support it. Two simple things the article stipulates.

1) These weapons are non-operational (though still lethal)

And the most important concerning the title and claim of the thread

2) NOT THE WEAPONS America thought Saddam had and NOT THE WEAPONS America went to war over.

The article clearly states those two points above all else, if anyone is taking anything out of context to support their claims it's you. You're welcome.

If you have another article that contradicts those two above facts, please feel free to post it and I will be happy to read it.

Reprinted from

Thursday, June 29, 2006 4:35 p.m. EDT
Rep. Curt Weldon: U.S. Still Finding WMD in Iraq

The U.S. military has found more Iraqi weapons in recent months, in addition to the 500 chemical munitions recently reported by the Pentagon, a top defense intelligence official said Thursday.

Lt. Gen. Michael Maples, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, did not specify if the newly found weapons were also chemical munitions. But he said he expected more.

"I do not believe we have found all the weapons," he told the House Armed Services Committee, offering few details in an open session that preceded a classified briefing to lawmakers.

Responding to questions from lawmakers anxious to make political points ahead of the November congressional elections, U.S. defense officials said the 500 chemical weapons discovered in Iraq were "weapons of mass destruction." However their degraded state may make them more dangerous to those who find them than anyone else.

Maples said the pre-Gulf War rockets and artillery rounds recently reported by the Pentagon were produced in the 1980s and could not be used as intended.

If the chemical agent, sarin, was removed from the munitions and repackaged, it could be lethal. Its release in a U.S. city, in certain circumstances, would be devastating, Maples said.

But despite statements of concern by Republicans about the risk of terrorists releasing the chemical in the United States, defense officials said the munitions pose as much a threat to people who try to handle them as potential victims.

When asked by a Democrat to confirm the weapons pose a risk to troops in Iraq, not Americans at home, Maples said, "Yes."

Republican lawmakers, some facing tough election battles amid growing anti-war sentiment, called the discovery of the weapons significant.

Republican Rep. Curt Weldon of Pennsylvania suggested the munitions were in fact the weapons of mass destruction that former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein lied about, leading the United States to war.

"For those who claim that these weapons are not the weapons of mass destruction that the United States went to war over, I would refer them to 17 United Nations Security Council resolutions that Saddam Hussein violated," Weldon said. "It didn't say pre-'91 chemical weapons. It didn't say post-'91 chemical weapons. It said chemical weapons."

But Democrats dismissed such arguments and said the weapons were not the "imminent threat" used to justify the war.

"It's very difficult to characterize these as the imminent threat weapons that we were told we were looking for," said Rep. Ellen Tauscher, a California Democrat.
95DevilleNS said:
The title of this thread is 'Debunking the Liberals from WMD to Terrorism’; the article used to support this claim does in itself not support it. Two simple things the article stipulates.

1) These weapons are non-operational (though still lethal)

And the most important concerning the title and claim of the thread

2) NOT THE WEAPONS America thought Saddam had and NOT THE WEAPONS America went to war over.

The article clearly states those two points above all else, if anyone is taking anything out of context to support their claims it's you. You're welcome.

If you have another article that contradicts those two above facts, please feel free to post it and I will be happy to read it.

Hmmm, explain something to me (also highlighted above in red)

Definition below provided by (words defined in blue)

Non-Operational:not involved in military operations

Broken down further for simplicity

Operational-Of or relating to an operation or a series of operations.
Of, intended for, or involved in military operations.
Fit for proper functioning; ready for use: an operational aircraft.
Non--not : other than : reverse of : absence of
\Non\, a. No; not.

SO we can determine from these definitions that Operational means ready to use, and non me not. So nonoperational mean NOT READY TO USE.

Now, what about lethal

Lethal--Capable of causing death.
Of, relating to, or causing death. See Synonyms at fatal.
Extremely harmful; devastating:

So from this we can derive that lethal means capable, ready to do harm, similiar to fatal. So how can we compare that non operational and still lethal go together in the same sentence? They can't, its an impossibility. Something that is lethal cannot be nonoperational. You continue to point these things out, yet then flop over and say you didn't write the article. No, you didn't, but you continuously argue for what it says. You agreed with it, and support it. I debunk it, and you relenquish responsibility to the author, though you argued to support his writing. What don't you get? I have spelled it out for you here.
Or we could do what Bubya did and just go AWOL and have our rich, powerful and influential fathers bail us out later. I'm guessing George is about a size 36 waist, better special order that schoolgirl uniform. Unless of course you consider going AWOL a non-pansy move?

Tell you what else.....Mr. So called AWOL had balls enough to release all his records, and people came forth to say he wasn't awol. Mr 3 purple heart scratches wouldn't release his records (and still hasn't I believe) and had people coming out of the woodwork to say he was a liar and a cheat. And who is the president chosen by the people now?
I don't have the time or patience to repost all your statements, and its late so I'll make this short and sweet.

You said
1) Where are the WMD's though? Just saying they slipped across the border into Syria doesn't really mean jack #$%@.

Items 2 A & G respond to that simply by article titles:

2A--Saddam's WMD have been found New evidence unveils chemical, biological, nuclear, ballistic arms

2G--Iraqi General: Syria Gave Al-Qaida Saddam's WMDs

Then you said
2) I read the article and I still ask...Does someone saying that the WMD's where shipped across the border make it a fact? This guy is an Iraqi general, can America really trust him? Is he just saying this for his own interest? Is he working on the behalf of a third party’s interest? Not sure America should throw all its eggs in one basket on the word of one possibly shady guy.
Well, since ZERO repeat ZERO WMD's have been found, that foaming, snapping dog turned out to be toothless.

As to the BOLD color red, see items 2A and 2G again. You have nothing, you are cornered by your own ignorance. Have you even read any of those articles?
stang99x said:
I don't have the time or patience to repost all your statements, and its late so I'll make this short and sweet.

You said
1) Where are the WMD's though? Just saying they slipped across the border into Syria doesn't really mean jack #$%@.

Items 2 A & G respond to that simply by article titles:

2A--Saddam's WMD have been found New evidence unveils chemical, biological, nuclear, ballistic arms

2G--Iraqi General: Syria Gave Al-Qaida Saddam's WMDs

Then you said
2) I read the article and I still ask...Does someone saying that the WMD's where shipped across the border make it a fact? This guy is an Iraqi general, can America really trust him? Is he just saying this for his own interest? Is he working on the behalf of a third party’s interest? Not sure America should throw all its eggs in one basket on the word of one possibly shady guy.
Well, since ZERO repeat ZERO WMD's have been found, that foaming, snapping dog turned out to be toothless.

As to the BOLD color red, see items 2A and 2G again. You have nothing, you are cornered by your own ignorance. Have you even read any of those articles?

See, I asked him the exact same question, and he just responds by spouting the same boring tired old talking points mantra.
fossten said:
See, I asked him the exact same question, and he just responds by spouting the same boring tired old talking points mantra.

And like I said before, just because an Iraqi General says they were shipped to Syria doesn't make it undeniable fact, why is this guy telling us this? Is he working on the behalf of a third party? Is he just saying this to further his own agenda? Many possibilities here... I'm not ready to buy into it 100% because it happens to fit my political views like you are. Maybe what he said is absolutely true, we'll have to wait and see... Also, my 'same old boring mantra' comes directly from the articles YOU post. If you don't like it, don't post articles that contradict your rhetoric.

Ans to recap, here's some more of those old boring talking points. Quoted from YOUR article.

"This does not reflect a capacity that was built up after 1991," the official said, adding the munitions "are not the WMDs this country and the rest of the world believed Iraq had, and not the WMDs for which this country went to war.":slam
95DevilleNS said:
And like I said before, just because an Iraqi General says they were shipped to Syria doesn't make it undeniable fact, why is this guy telling us this? Is he working on the behalf of a third party? Is he just saying this to further his own agenda? Many possibilities here... I'm not ready to buy into it 100% because it happens to fit my political views like you are. Maybe what he said is absolutely true, we'll have to wait and see... [That's right Mr. Jump to Conclusions!] Also, my 'same old boring mantra' comes directly from the articles YOU post. If you don't like it, don't post articles that contradict your rhetoric.

Ans to recap, here's some more of those old boring talking points. Quoted from YOUR article.

"This does not reflect a capacity that was built up after 1991," the official said, adding the munitions "are not the WMDs this country and the rest of the world believed Iraq had, and not the WMDs for which this country went to war.":slam

See, you are trying to have it both ways. I'll use your logic: Just because ONE UNNAMED official says these aren't the weapons we went to war over doesn't make it undeniable fact. Who is this guy? Where does he work? How in the world would he even know that? Why would he say that? Is he working for the Democratic Party?

stang99x said:
Hmmm, explain something to me (also highlighted above in red)

Definition below provided by (words defined in blue)

Non-Operational:not involved in military operations

Broken down further for simplicity

Operational-Of or relating to an operation or a series of operations.
Of, intended for, or involved in military operations.
Fit for proper functioning; ready for use: an operational aircraft.
Non--not : other than : reverse of : absence of
\Non\, a. No; not.

SO we can determine from these definitions that Operational means ready to use, and non me not. So nonoperational mean NOT READY TO USE.

Now, what about lethal

Lethal--Capable of causing death.
Of, relating to, or causing death. See Synonyms at fatal.
Extremely harmful; devastating:

So from this we can derive that lethal means capable, ready to do harm, similiar to fatal. So how can we compare that non operational and still lethal go together in the same sentence? They can't, its an impossibility. Something that is lethal cannot be nonoperational. You continue to point these things out, yet then flop over and say you didn't write the article. No, you didn't, but you continuously argue for what it says. You agreed with it, and support it. I debunk it, and you relenquish responsibility to the author, though you argued to support his writing. What don't you get? I have spelled it out for you here.*owned*

Hey, if you disagree with the article, then take it up with the person that used it to support what the thread claims, not me. I agree, using an article that doesn't support what you claim is simply stupid.

(Whiny voice) owned...

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