Degas cracked and fan started working again this is crazy

  • Thread starter Deleted member 22631
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Deleted member 22631

So my degas tank cracked before I could get the hydraulic actuator to make the fan kick into high speed, so I haven't heard this fan kick high for over a year, yesterday. As my tank leaked all the coolant and I added more, the fan decided to kick into high speed, I nearly peed myself that it did, it wasn't enough to cool it off obviously with a cracking tank there's some air until the new one is put in, unfortunately the fan refuses to kick onto high with the ac on but will when the air gets the engine to hot with the crack, I was hoping the sea foam fixed it but it looks like il still need to replace the actuator, seems like it's stubborn and works when it wants, just thought I'd share short story
So my degas tank cracked before I could get the hydraulic actuator to make the fan kick into high speed, so I haven't heard this fan kick high for over a year, yesterday. As my tank leaked all the coolant and I added more, the fan decided to kick into high speed, I nearly peed myself that it did, it wasn't enough to cool it off obviously with a cracking tank there's some air until the new one is put in, unfortunately the fan refuses to kick onto high with the ac on but will when the air gets the engine to hot with the crack, I was hoping the sea foam fixed it but it looks like il still need to replace the actuator, seems like it's stubborn and works when it wants, just thought I'd share short story

Yes the SEAFOAM will do the trick. If it's not that bad. I have to replace mines it want spin up now with the A/C on so a replacement actuator in the works.
Yes the SEAFOAM will do the trick. If it's not that bad. I have to replace mines it want spin up now with the A/C on so a replacement actuator in the works.
Same here, it definitely turned on after seafoam but won't with the ac


Adding SEAFOAM TransTune to the Hydraulic fan reservoir.

You can use a turkey baster with a hose attached to it to get past the filter in there. And just drain it out and pour the whole can in or as much as it will hold. Leave the SEAFOAM TransTune in there, until the fan kick it to high speed once you notice it kicks in go and change the fluid it's best to do a full fluid swap cause what that stuff cleaned up will be floating in the system now. So have it flush out, now once that's done, you want to wait until your next oil change suck some of the fluid out the reservoir and add SEAFOAM TransTune, let work it's magic for a week or two then drain some of the fluid and replace this time with MERCON TRANS FLUID. the object of this method is to prevent the fluid from gumming up. It's been times I have thought of drain the whole system and just flat out replacing it with regular hydrolic fluid, but thought that could be bad for the seals.

The objective is to have at least 93 percent MERCON and 7 percent SEAFOAM TransTune circulating in the system, at all times. It even work on the power steering. Now I can take one finger and maneuver in a parking lot with ease.


Thanks, I forgot seafoam had a tranny product.

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