Dems Voted Out of Church Weigh Options

Kbob said:
That's what the world says. I saw this question earlier in this thread: WWJD?

Your post just further proves that there were no winners. And it didn't say anything about those that opposed abortion and their views. I'm sure that would have been too militantly left-wing and would have cast a bad light and would have slowed the process.

Hey I just posted that the bum left his post! What the "Liberal Internet Posted" Wasn't my words... But you are free to have a conservative opinion! This is still America! Land of the Free Home of the Brave!

Like him or not he's that guys is out! Maybe he can get a job on the 700 club!
mespock said:
Like him or not he's that guys is out! Maybe he can get a job on the 700 club!
And maybe those church members that remain will get a pastor they deserve. One that will tickle their ears instead of stepping on their toes.
Rich, you didn't tell us about your 'other' job.

Condoms Given To Middle-Schoolers At School Health Fair

POSTED: 8:54 am EDT May 11, 2005

WAUSAU, Wis. -- Some Wisconsin middle-school students got to take home souvenirs from a health fair -- condoms.

An AIDS education group was handing out the prophylactics at the health fair organized by North Central Health Care in Wausau. The idea was to educate the middle-schoolers on the dangers of alcohol and drugs.

No doubt 12 year old boys need to be 'packing'. You never know when they might get the chance to 'lay some wood' to a nice, hot 11 year old. Am I sure there was an adult there to show them how to put it on ~correctly~!

Sick freak'n people. Keep up the good work lefties.

The Far Left...Stealing from our American youth their innocence. Daily.
Did I say I hate people of faith? NO......

FreeFaller said:
You think this is something President Bush the D of I

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

I hate to break it to you Jonny but religion and God have been an integral part of this country and it's people since the beginning. I certainly hope that my President uses a sound basis of judgment like Christianity to assist in his decision making process. It's certainly a better voice to have in your head than P. Diddy or Jeanine Garafolo like alot of libbies. Your hatred of those with faith does not represent even five percent of the US population. Oh and these so called "america hating" evangelicals were not the ones burning the American flag during protests back in 03 it was america hating liberals...

Oh and before you go and call me just another "Right wing jesus freak nutjob" your breath...I'm an atheist. But I don't hate people of faith nor do I think their beliefs are stupid. I respect people of all faiths and non faiths and their beliefs...and their political long as it's not ignorant.


Where did I even imply that I thought GW started this "God has been an integral part of this country and it's people since the beginning" stuff? Thanks for pointing out the obvious. I don't give GW credit for squat except 1600+ American service men and women's deaths and 100,000+ Iraqi civilians' deaths.

If you are going to jump into the crossfire, at least read all of the posts exchanging between those involved (heavily paraphrased):

My 1st post: "Separation of church and state must be worked at from both angles......"


My 2nd post: "What Kerry did wasn't smart, but it twasn't much, no worse than what any GOP campaigner has done......."


My 3rd post: "BFD. @#$%$#^YRE^$%^ and your %$#%^$YE too"

Then there was some noise from Kbob, whatever.

Now you decide to throw your 2 sideways cents into the pot. So I'll seize this opportunity to elaborate on what the D of I says (highlighted for emphasis):

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

My break-down: No matter where you come from, or what you believe in, or what god you pray to, or what morals you hold dear, the ONE thing that we can all agree on is that our Creator (God or Allah or the big-bang or mom & dad or who ever) has given us ALL the basic common human rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And while we shall make no attempt to get everyone to agree on every thing that our individual "gods" teach us (which would be totally IMPOSSIBLE and is contrary to this freedom thing), we must respect each others's unique beliefs, and not allow our own beliefs to infringe on others. In order to accomplish that, we must separate our religious beliefs (which are unique to the thousands of religions in this country) from the laws of this country which are designed to protect EVERY individual's unalienable rights, regardless of their religious affiliation.

Which brings me back to my original post. This is a two-way street. Keep the church out of politics, and keep politics out of church. Anything else would be anti-American and flies in the face of the D of I. I respect ALL people of faith, but I have no use for anti-Americans.


I don't know about you guys but I like my comments coming from Johnny better. They are much more colorful. I think I will send my comments to him first in the future so he can spice them up a bit.

See, I would agree about the whole ~keep politics out of the church~ thing but you know damn well that the Dummocrats have figured out they NEED to 'play' to the religious right to get back into the game so expect them all to don robes and start walking around with incense. Like I've said a thousand times ~ hypocrites.
MonsterMark said:
Sick freak'n people. Keep up the good work lefties.

Arming kids with information that might save their LIVES because their PARENTS are too lame to do it themselves is SICK? What is SICK is oppressing vital health information or filling the kids heads with lies like what most of the right-wing nut jobs are doing.

JohnnyBz00LS said:
Arming kids with information that might save their LIVES because their PARENTS are too lame to do it themselves is SICK? What is SICK is oppressing vital health information or filling the kids heads with lies like what most of the right-wing nut jobs are doing.

[rant-on]endthreadjack...No. This is a church thread and has good views. You might think it is OK to teach kids how to bitch-slap and f them whores but I prefer my kids at that age learn about Jesus and being good citizens. This coming from a father of 4 young boys. I figured I'd get that response from you. Maybe you'll have a daughter some day that will get pregnant at the age of 10. Oh that's right. She won't get pregnant because her boyfriend will have condoms and she'll have the morning after pill. [/rant-off]

Last thought... You know, if we have to worry about 12 year old kids with STD's and the need to protect their lives via giving them 'vital' health information, we're already up the xxxx creek without a paddle.

OK, back to the disenfranchised Kerry whiners, oops, I mean, supporters.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Then there was some noise from Kbob, whatever.
I'll take that as a compliment. :N

For the record, I don't think you hate me because of my faith.
A lesson in religious intolerance

LEONARD PITTS JR.: A lesson in religious intolerance

May 13, 2005


Consider Christianity.

It is a faith broad enough to encompass everything from a pope in Rome to a missionary in South America. Apparently, however, it is not broad enough to encompass a Democrat in North Carolina.

That, at least, is the inference to be gleaned from the experience of nine people who say they were kicked out of their church last week because they voted for John Kerry in the 2004 election. The nine former members of East Waynesville Baptist say the Rev. Chan Chandler led the drive to oust them. The resulting uproar has made headlines nationwide and drawn harsh criticism, even from other clergy. Chandler initially denied the accusations and called the flap a "misunderstanding."

'Repent or resign'

The claim is undercut by his own words. This week, ABC News played an audiotape of an October sermon in which the preacher said: "If you vote for John Kerry this year, you need to repent or resign. You have been holding back God's church way too long."

Chandler stepped down a few days ago.

For the record, it was the senator's stand on abortion that got the preacher's dander up. Kerry supports a woman's right to choose. The senator explained during the campaign that though he is a Catholic and though the Catholic church opposes abortion, "What is an article of faith for me is not something that I can legislate on somebody who doesn't share that article of faith." In other words, Kerry believed it necessary to separate his religious views from his obligations as a legislator.

Remember 1960?

That's a separation we once regarded as necessary to the functioning of a pluralistic society, but it's not one many religious conservatives feel compelled to make these days. It's telling that when another Catholic ran for president 45 years ago -- a fellow named Kennedy -- he was required to assure anxious voters that he would not allow personal faith to dictate public policy.

How times change.

Some have said the moral here is that preachers should concentrate on saving souls and leave politics out of the pulpit. I disagree. Certainly, preachers should not lend their moral authority to political parties or candidates, or make churches into campaign headquarters. But it's a fallacy to believe social and political issues should never be discussed inside church walls. Had that been the case, there could never have been a civil rights movement.

So what galls me about the Rev. Chandler's behavior is not that he talked politics per se, but that he assumes belief in God and belief in George W. Bush to be synonymous. As one who believes in a God who is above party, I find that assumption offensive.

If you grew up, as I did, in an era when Christian meant, among other things, long-haired kids with denim-covered Bibles, you have to marvel that it has become the exclusive property of those who believe in big business and tax cuts.

Frankly, what Chandler did makes no sense, even if you buy his reasoning. I mean, assuming people who voted for Kerry are at odds with Christian faith, what better place for such errant people to be than in a church? As a wise person once said: A church is not a museum for saints; it is a hospital for sinners.

But too often these days, it seems to be neither, seems to be little more than a refuge for human meanness, pettiness, partisanship and smug self-satisfaction.

One is embarrassed to have to remind such people of what ought to be patently obvious:

God is not a Republican.

LEONARD PITTS JR. appears most Wednesdays and Fridays in the Free Press. Reach him at the Miami Herald, 1 Herald Plaza, Miami, FL 33132; at 888-251-4407 or at
"Sir my concern is not whether God is on our side. My great concern is to be on God's side." Abraham Lincoln

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