Did some Practicing Last Night....


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Well as many of you know there is a BBQ on Friday Night of the Beach Party...

Now for those who are Manly and not faint of heart :shifty: we have the famous LvC Beach Party Suicide Burgers....:eek:

You ask what are Suicide Burgers? :rolleyes: Hamburgers laced with Mad Dog 375 Hot Sauce...:Beer

357 Mad Dog Hot Sauce

This killer sauce is packing 357,000 Scoville units of heat. One hit will blow you away! 357 Mad Dog is a delicious hot sauce and in fact is just under the legal limit to be called a sauce. A collectors must have!

Extremely Hot - Use with Caution

After taking a rest from one of my favorite past times.... I brought out the 375 and Danny and I warmed up the insides for a bit..

Can't wait until July.... Hey Chicken what does this remind you of?:runaway:
Hey Derek, good to hear from you... I'm working out details to take you shooting at our local Sportsman's Club.. while you are in the area...

We could go shooting Chickens... LOL...

I don't think the DNR will let us do an early Deer Hunt but if you see one and decide to take it you can claim you thought it had CWD and you where helping the state eradicate this deer. LOL

Or you could tell them that you are hired as an expert marksmen to help the area with the CWD problem.

Actually it cost $25 to join the Sportsman's Club for a year... my treat you've spent enough coming here for the meet..
Not bad I'm looking to buy some new stuff for this summer's butt burners or in chickenviii's case Ball burners, but if you want something hot then go with the grand daddy..


Blair's 16 Million Reserve
World's Hottest Chilli Powder
**Pure Capsaicin**

Never before offered - This Blair's collector's reserve bottle contains 16 million Scoville Units of Pure Capsicum. The tiny 1ml vial inside contains pure capsicum crystals, hottest chili powder known to man. Nothing in the world could get hotter then this 16 Million Reserve. Be among the few to get one of these limited edition bottles. No more the 999 of Blair's 16 Million Reserve will be produced. Still don't think it's hot? Check out the 16 Million Reserve product review on HotSauceBlog.com.
Heat Scale: 10+++
Scoville Units: 16 Million
Size: 1 oz.
Ingredients: Pure Capsicum (World's Hottest Chili Powder)
nah, ive had it in my burgers before, granted this was after it burned a hole straight through the spatula, meat, grille, then ignited my propane tank. it was tasty though ill admit
nah, ive had it in my burgers before, granted this was after it burned a hole straight through the spatula, meat, grille, then ignited my propane tank. it was tasty though ill admit

Hmmmm..... if the stuff wasn't so expensive... where can I find Thermite (this is a set up for Frogman:shifty: oh and yes Frogman I know you can also search the net LOL:D )
Oh, yes! The burgers will be good this year... order placed LOL...

Oh, yes!

New Mild, Medium, and Hot... LOL....

My ex has me make my famous Salasa for the kids graduation parties... Last time I didn't have the Mad Dog yet...

My recipe... buy some Wal-Mart Salasa add too much hot sauce...watch who makes the mistake...

OK I'm naughty... LOL...
Well I was referring to the incidendiary device used as hot sauce as a joke. I said that not knowing if there was a real hot sauce called that.

Figure since everyone wants "Hot" sauce, stuff used to melt gun breeches would do a little damage to taste buds.

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