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I'm curious how you guys who aren't Christian keep "pigeon holing" all Christians together. I know that many of the religions have totally different beliefs, so why do you always lump everyone together? What if I lumped all Eastern religions together? Why then I'd be a racist or theist or something. Why does everyone have to argue all the time about what you should do here or there? I never "accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior". And I believe that the basic teachings of Jesus are pretty damned intuitive. If you want to go deeper, send me a PM. I'll be more than happy to tell you about my beliefs. But don't expect me to start arguing them with someone. I'm not here to prove that I'm right and you're wrong. That's why they call it faith, because no matter what, I believe and know that I am right. That's not something you can read in the Bible. That is something you have to live to attain. You have to experience what God can do, not just read about it. For God's sake, quit bickering and just be good people. Just make sure stuff you do doesn't hinder anyone else in life beyond reason, and I'm sure God will smile with favor on you. And please for the love of God, stop saying I'm the same as every other Christian out there, because I am not, no offense, but there are distinct differences. It's the same as saying a Mexican and Brazilian are the same thing. They are most obviously not. Simililar backgrounds, but in the present, time has taken them in different directions.
..............Loophole was the right word for it. According to Christianity, regardless of your actions in life, should you have one moment of conscious clarity before death and accept God, and Jesus as son and saviour, then you shall be rewarded on the paradise earth that shall follow this one...........

since when is true repentance and forgiveness a loophole? it's not like you can really fake that you know.
MAllen82 said:
since when is true repentance and forgiveness a loophole? it's not like you can really fake that you know.

If you are quoting raVeneyes, you need to seriously question your sanity.
Vitas said:
If you are quoting raVeneyes, you need to seriously question your sanity.

FYI....Quoting someone doesn't mean you agree with their thoughts. Also, don't you have better things to do and you said in a previous thread?
95DevilleNS said:
FYI....Quoting someone doesn't mean you agree with their thoughts. Also, don't you have better things to do and you said in a previous thread?

Point it out.

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