disable air suspension light help 1999 TC


Active LVC Member
Mar 17, 2006
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Central IL
Just installed springs on a 99' town car How do I disable the light. Believe me there is no green wire, And unplugging the module still leaves light on, I have done conti conversions and all i do i disconnect comm wires and hotwire steering solenoid. I have search internet and this site, help. I read an article where a guy asked the same question and a guy from american air said to cut the green wire but uuuhhmmm there is not one, another said remove bulb, there is no bulb it is digital dash. thanks
so no one has done this? I hsve converted almost every kind of car, and arnot and strutmasters says there springs come w/ instructions on how to disable the light but they all say to cut the green wire, but a 99 and newer tc uses data comm wires to talk to the intsrument cluster. On a continental, I just cut the comm wires, i tried unpluged the air ride module and light air ride light still stayed on.
bump again, someone on here has to be from arnott or strutmasters. I have bought many kits from both of you guys, tho the funny part is half the time I order from strutmaster I get arnott parts and visa versa.
Come on guys help me out and at least respond, maybe I should start out with "what with these problematic lincolns, I can't believe I have a light that says I have a brake light out"
Have you looked for the green wire ? ... ;)

The check RAS lamp on '98-'04 TC is controlled by the cluster and is communicated over the SCP databus from the RAS/EVO module.
Cutting or disconnecting these wires from this module should not turn the indicator off, but besides that doing so will also disable your EVO variable steering function leading to an over-assisted power steering at highway speeds.

The only way to really disable the check suspension lamp is to physically disable the indicator by opening the cluster, cover the lamp that illuminates through the check suspension silk screen, or blackening or covering the front of the silk screen / cluster face with something (tape, paint, w/e) by taking the lens off.
I understand it is like the conti, and uses the data lines to communicate. on the conti, you just cut data wires and then hot wire steering so it is not tight, but on the town car, I unplug module but check air light stays on, and it is not a actual light, it is florescent green display.

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