Disappointing presidential silence about illicit drugs


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Disappointing presidential silence about illicit drugs

Published February 27, 2005 (Clarence Page - Chicago Tribune)

I was surprised, but hardly shocked, to hear that President Bush all but admitted to illicit drug use during a conversation that was secretly taped. I am only disappointed by the sleazy way the disclosure was disclosed and by the president's reluctance to set the record straight.

Like many of the rest of us parents, he says in the tape that he doesn't want to talk about any of his alleged past drug indiscretions because he doesn't want youngsters to do the same.

Unfortunately, experience shows, silence is a self-defeating way to discourage kids from drug use.

And in Washington, where public ignorance feeds endless mischief, silence also can lead to well-meaning but wrong-headed legislation.

In case you missed it, Bush suggests on the tapes that were recorded when he was the governor of Texas that he smoked marijuana in the past. He also dodged a question on the tapes, whose authenticity the White House does not dispute, about whether he had used cocaine.

The New York Times broke the story in a Page 1 report on Doug Wead, a Christian activist who has published a book based in part on conversations with Bush that Wead secretly recorded in 1998 and 1999. Wead has since expressed regrets over releasing part of the conversations without Bush's permission, a move on the treachery scale that rivaled Linda Tripp's bugging of her chats with Monica Lewinsky. Wead has since announced that he is donating the book's proceeds to charity. Ah, nothing concentrates your conscience like having a nation of millions call you a sleazebag.

Fortunately for the president, the tapes' contents have done less damage to Bush's reputation than to Wead's.

My disappointment comes with Bush's refusal, so far, to speak openly and candidly about his past drug and alcohol use and how he recovered. He says he does not want to answer the questions "because I don't want some little kid doing what I tried."

Take it from me, Mr. President, a lot of today's teenagers think you "smoked and snorted," as one of my son's high school classmates put it, anyway. Your silence does nothing to defuse their suspicions. For the record, our president has never acknowledged using drugs, despite repeated questions from nosy reporters during his days as Texas governor. He has acknowledged a drinking problem that he appears to have kicked, to his credit, through the wonder-working powers of his religious conversion.

His party-animal days involved nothing more than "just, you know, wild behavior," he told Wead, although he did worry, apparently with justification, that his opponents would revive allegations of cocaine use.

Bush's reputed "wild" days hardly make him unique among us, his fellow Baby Boomers and post-Baby Boomers. Unfortunately too few parents have a clue about how to come clean with our own kids in ways that can help them to avoid our mistakes--and worse.

A national survey released by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, coincidentally a few days after the disclosure of the Wead tapes, found that the number of parents who report never talking with their children about drugs actually has doubled in the last six years, to 12 percent in 2004 from 6 percent in 1998.

And while many of us parents say we've talked to our kids about drugs, that's not what a lot of our kids are saying: 85 percent of the 1,205 surveyed parents said they had talked to their children at least once in the last 12 months about drugs, but only 30 percent of teenagers said they've learned much about drug risks from their parents.

We need to share more straight talk, not silence, with our kids.

And more straight talk from the White House on down would help government to avoid doing greater harm, like the provision that Congress passed in 1998 that bars college students or applicants with drug convictions from receiving federal financial aid. If ever there was a case of throwing obstacles in the way of young people who are trying to improve their lives, regardless of past errors, this is it.

The provision's author, Rep. Mark Souder (R-Ind.), says he intended the bill to apply only to those convicted while they are students or loan applicants, not to earlier convictions. He also has been trying to correct that error with a new amendment, although the wheels of Congress have been grinding exceedingly slow in that process.

In the meantime, we have a president who refuses to talk about his own drug history, whatever it may be, and a Congress that continues to discriminate against aspiring college students who are honest about their own past drug use. That's nuts. We, the people, need to talk. Then Congress needs to act. Leadership from the White House will help, Mr. President. Your silence will not.
What can he say? Best thing for him policitally is to say nothing and hope the whole thing passes him by.
I want to know one thing ! Johnny do you have a voice of your own or are you Clarence Page? Because this is the second left wing biased editorial you have posted?
Hang around awhile Styles. You'll see alot of left-winging coming from Johnny's corner.
We're pretty polarized here. A few on the left and a few on the right. Not many in the middle. Although I am not sure there is a middle anymore anyway.
MonsterMark said:
Hang around awhile Styles. You'll see alot of left-winging coming from Johnny's corner.
We're pretty polarized here. A few on the left and a few on the right. Not many in the middle. Although I am not sure there is a middle anymore anyway.

Well I lean to the right, I'm not full blow right but you have to choose the lesser of two evils and Kerry was the devil I tell ya ;) But these types of situations will undoubtedly come up just because of our two party system.
Styles said:
I want to know one thing ! Johnny do you have a voice of your own or are you Clarence Page? Because this is the second left wing biased editorial you have posted?

I just think this editorial sums up my feelings quite nicely. As I've mentioned before in another thread on this subject, I think that the fact that people have to hide and be afraid of being crucified for being honest is a VERY SAD statement about our society in this country. I honestly can't blame BuSh for his position of silence, it is a product of the political environment in this country (from BOTH sides of the aisle). At the same time, I'm very dissapointed BuSh doesn't have the balls to stand up and be a MAN about this and show some REAL leadership that 'yall 'think' he is so well endowed with.

Styles, look around, I've posted WAY more than just TWO editorials. Your assessment of "left wing biased" is just a matter of your perception. Would you care to elaborate on what about this editorial is "left wing biased", OTHER than the fact it is not flattering to your "hero"? Sometimes, the TRUTH hurts!

Here's something to sink your teeth into Style. GWB is the "Worst Preident Ever". :waving: And I'm not even a liberal.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
I just think this editorial sums up my feelings quite nicely.
Be honest. You've never met a liberal, Bush-bashing editorial you didn't like. Like Clinton should be out giving seminars against adultery or something.
JohnnyBz00LS said:

Styles, look around, I've posted WAY more than just TWO editorials.


[sarcasm] Oh some how I got the feeling you posted more than two editorials [/sarcasm] but what I did noticed is that you posted TWO from Clarence Page??? IMHO I take any thing that Mr. Page says with a grain of salt! He is one of the biggest hypocrites I have read in a long time. Such as the oxymoronic editorial that you posted about Bloggers etc...

Check this out..

Page discussed the credibility problems journalists face and the public opinion of the media in his speech titled, "Media Ethics is Not a Contradiction."

"I'm a member of a misunderstood minority," Page said. "I'm a journalist."

I would not even call him a journalist!!! He is a columnists, there is a big difference between the two. A journalist reports facts in an unbiased manner as were a columnists gives an opinion about how he/she perceives the world or a given situation (again IMHO lefty's live in their own world) I admit Bush is not the greatest guy on the planet nor the greatest leader and so are alot of republicans and dems in general, even though both political parties will admit to no wrong doing including Bush, but he is our commander in chief period. Kerry did the same thing as well.

Your assessment of "left wing biased" is just a matter of your perception.

thats a very funny comment or are you that naive? Mr. Page is big time lefty, he is a liberal democrat and regularly speaks at symposiums, sponsored by the School of Liberal Arts and other Liberal organizations. Man are you guys are too afraid to be called liberals or what ? Or would you prefer the term with a little spin such as a moderate-socialist? lol
barry2952 said:
Here's something to sink your teeth into Style. GWB is the "Worst Preident Ever". :waving: And I'm not even a liberal.

Thats nice you are intitled to your own opinion and Preident is spelled President.

barry2952 said:
And I'm not even a liberal.
Um, I hate to say you blew your cover a long time ago.

Looks like Bush' plan to triangulate on the Democrats and steal their supporters is going to work. It is a great plan and slowly but surely we are siphoning off Dem supporters one by one.

1) Going after the young kids by offering up Social Security reform.
2) Allowing the Latinos a pass into the US with guest worker status. I may want to get back into manufacturing with that piece of legislation. Just think, $5.15 an hour with no bennies. Someone ring the till for me please.
3) Moving class action suits into federal court where the damages are less, neutering the lawyers and their fat fees.
4) Rewriting civil service regulations to further weaken the unions and reduce the amount of dues paid in, thereby decreasing the lies and deceits that we see at election time trying to brainwash the electorate.

I mean when you look at it, good 'ol Dubya has a chance to stand with the greatest to ever have sat in the oval office chair (not under it like Monica).

Music to my ears. Reagan, Roosevelt, Lincoln, Bush and Jefferson. The FAB five.

Go Georgie. One of the greatest Presidents ever! Not the greatest, just yet. Although he has more than 3 years to go to get there.
Styles said:
Thats nice you are intitled to your own opinion and Preident is spelled President.

We've had the spell checker comments here in the past and I think everybody agreed to give some latitude on grammatical errors. Thanks guys.
Styles said:
Thats nice you are intitled to your own opinion and Preident is spelled President.


OK [ pal ]. We'll be on the lookout for every typo you make and make sure we point it out to everyone. :W

BTW, there is no such word an "intitled". The word is spelled "entitled" just like SSI.
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barry2952 said:
OK [ pal ]. We'll be on the lookout for every typo you make and make sure we point it out to everyone. :W

That's kewl.... errrrr I mean cool lol

Just in case you missed this Styles:

"BTW, there is no such word an "intitled". The word is spelled "entitled" just like SSI."
Hey Barry!

I can't recall the guy's name but he was a former treasury secretary that has floated the idea about the gov putting $2000/yr, starting a birth into a private savings account for every newborn in the United States. The $2000 contribution would end at age 18 and then the money would continue to compound tax free until retirement. Based on todays dollars, a newborn entering into the program today would retire with $82,000/yr in benefits for 20 years.

Essentially, every newborn would retire a millionaire. All of this assumes a rate of return of 6%, which if you look at ANY 25 year period, the US stock market has outperformed the 6%. I think it is a great, great idea. We could even give the option of "rich" people putting in more than the 12.5%/$90,000 threshold. Maybe these rich people could 'sponsor' a less fortunate child by adding additional cash to a child's retirement program.

Of course, this program would have to be retroactive back 10 years so each of my kids would qualify.
MonsterMark said:
Hey Barry!

I can't recall the guy's name but he was a former treasury secretary that has floated the idea about the gov putting $2000/yr, starting a birth into a private savings account for every newborn in the United States. The $2000 contribution would end at age 18 and then the money would continue to compound tax free until retirement. Based on todays dollars, a newborn entering into the program today would retire with $82,000/yr in benefits for 20 years.

Essentially, every newborn would retire a millionaire. All of this assumes a rate of return of 6%, which if you look at ANY 25 year period, the US stock market has outperformed the 6%. I think it is a great, great idea. We could even give the option of "rich" people putting in more than the 12.5%/$90,000 threshold. Maybe these rich people could 'sponsor' a less fortunate child by adding additional cash to a child's retirement program.

Of course, this program would have to be retroactive back 10 years so each of kids would qualify.

Could we say 33 years old that way I would be in :)
Each of your kids?

Let me ask you this? Why haven't parent's done this on their own? I recall putting $1,500 into the first IRA. If I had had children I would have put as much as I could away for them.

I like the idea, but it's kind of closing the barn door a little too late. Why does the government have to mandate common sense?
Styles said:
Could we say 33 years old that way I would be in :)

There is supposed to be a question mark after "old" creating a complete sentence. You would start the next sentence with a capital "T". Oh yeah, sentences generally end in periods.
This program would eventually faze out Social Security as we know it in 65 years. We wouldn't need SS anymore.

I my kids all have their own retirement programs. Only problem is Clinton wiped out 70% of their portfolios with HIS internet bubble and the accounts still haven't recovered.

I would much prefer seeing $2000 of my SS money be transferred into my kids accounts. Remember, the self employed have to pay matching, which means 12.4% at 90K, or $10 geeeze. I could even have one more kid that way.

And if you are the lib I think you are, this would be a great way for the middle and lower classes to participate in the American dream. Of course, this 'ownership' society that would be created would make everybody a Republican as you know. Even people who don't like 'W' would have to like him if this passed into law.
Back to the origins of this thread.

I believe GWB is a stupid liar and the tapes just prove it.
barry2952 said:
There is supposed to be a question mark after "old" creating a complete sentence. You would start the next sentence with a capital "T". Oh yeah, sentences generally end in periods.
Ok guys. We get the idea.

barry2952 said:
Back to the origins of this thread.

I believe GWB is a stupid liar and the tapes just prove it.
I did my best to jack the thread. Oh well.

No where on those tapes did Bush lie, therefore, the tapes prove nada. In fact, for having a 'candid' conversation with a friend, I think they reflected very well on Bush, considering everybody knows that ANYBODY that grew up in the '60's, '70's, and '80's smoked 'pot' at sometime or another, maybe even did a line. Even the straightest kids I knew ALL tried it at least once. Peer pressure was too great. Of course, when all your friends are laughing their asses off, trying to catch a breath, and then feasting on HoHos, Twinkies and Cocoa Puffs, who could blame anybody for trying a little maryjane.
barry2952 said:
Why does the government have to mandate common sense?

Because liberals would not survive if the government did NOT mandate anything to them. :)

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