do mark VIII's have a traction control button?

It's dead Jim ... wait a minute!

I find the stupid traction control, on Gen 1 anyway to be actively dangerous. If you don't turn it off not only will hard 1 - 2 shifts give you sideways a lot of the time, if you lose the car it makes it much harder to get back.

Turning it off is second nature now but that was a mistake. On only when told to might even be useful.
a simple electrical circuit that (pulses/grounds/whatever mimic the button push) a few seconds after you start the car would effectively change the default to "off".
idk how to do it, but i'm sure it could be done.

my ABS is non functioning on both cars, so no traction control for me.
For a Gen I, it might be that easy, but for Gen II it isn't, as it is in one of the options (Vehicle), press reset to turn it off. I am going to use an Arduino to do it for me (automatically 5 seconds after turning on), along with other things.

I have a simple 555 circuit for my 2000 Grand Marquis (it waits 5 seconds, then there is a 1 second 12v pulse) but on that car a normally closed button in place of the push button can also be used (but 04 and newer it requires a pulse and not a constant 12v).

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