I know this Has Nothing to do with the Lincoln MarkIII
and it should Probly be in Anything Goes
of genral discusion
but hey this seems to be where everything gets hit up most
so ill Post This In Here
Do you Think Gas Will Ever Go Down
or What Guys and galls.
Come on you know
like when has gas ever gone up by this mouch and then droped back down agen.
I cant remember at time.
Like yeah ok maybe if it goes up 20cents it will come back down 20cents
But its not gona Go up 50 and 60 and 70Cents a gallon and then drop that low agen i dont think.
What do you guys think.
I hope it dose but what is the chanse of that Hapening.
That We Realy See
Gas hit
2.49 agen for years Man if we ever do.
and it should Probly be in Anything Goes
of genral discusion
but hey this seems to be where everything gets hit up most
so ill Post This In Here
Do you Think Gas Will Ever Go Down
or What Guys and galls.
Come on you know
like when has gas ever gone up by this mouch and then droped back down agen.
I cant remember at time.
Like yeah ok maybe if it goes up 20cents it will come back down 20cents
But its not gona Go up 50 and 60 and 70Cents a gallon and then drop that low agen i dont think.
What do you guys think.
I hope it dose but what is the chanse of that Hapening.
That We Realy See
Gas hit
2.49 agen for years Man if we ever do.