It's likely pricing will be the new and effective justification per curbing our thirst. It's a bit premature. I'd like to thank the cooperation of forces that perpetuate our energy decline through preventing solutions. Pre-emptive action doesn't apply to our economy and lifestyle when record profits can be made.
The US has a gas production issue and there have been no major oil finds since the 60's...globaly! It's not interesting news, but has been mentioned. The experts know that demand is starting to out pace supply and will become severe with in 15 years.
Re: alternative fuels; the diesel engine provided the answer around 1900, it was designed to combust peanut oil! The patroleum industry bought the patent from Mr. Diesel and worked hard to formulate a patroleum solution. Odd how this is over looked while hydrogen is seen as 'the' distant solution, as it offers a butt load of technology and delivery issues...hmmm.
Looks like future hotroding will involve veg oil and the diesel. I know some guys with pickups that can smoke most cars. They hit 70 to 80 getting on to the freeway and they're pulling RV trailers loaded with 100 gal. of water, 20 gal of gas and dirtbikes!